
Leveling Guide 1 through 400 for Cybertech

The patterns in this leveling guide for Cybertech are obtainable from a Cybertech Trainer only. Cybertech is one of the most versatile skills in SWTOR and it’s used to make the following: Droid parts, ship parts, mods, earpieces, grenades, mounts and armor plates. The primary gathering skill used in Cybertech is Scavenging using compounds and scavenged metals. The secondary mission skill is Underworld Trading using underworld metals. After you complete each step, you can train for the next level by visiting the Cybertech Crew Skill Trainer. Reverse engineering is an option that will allow you to use fewer materials on anything you make. However, this process produces random materials so it’s impossible to calculate a precise number for players to use. For this reasons, this leveling guide is based on the materials needed when reverse engineering for Cybertech is not used, so you’ll know exactly what you’ll need. Here are…

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