Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One and PlayStation 4—Your Ultimate FAQ Guide

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One and PS4: Release, Features, and More

With Star Wars Jedi: Survivor making its way to the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, there’s a lot of excitement among gamers who haven’t yet upgraded to the latest consoles. But with this excitement comes a flurry of questions. How does the game perform on older hardware? What are the differences compared to the next-gen versions? And what do you need to know before diving into this galactic adventure? Let’s answer these questions in this comprehensive guide focused specifically on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of Jedi: Survivor.

Availability and Release Date

When is Jedi: Survivor Releasing on Xbox One and PlayStation 4?

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor launched on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on April 28, 2023. However, players on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will have to wait until September 17, 2024, to get their hands on the game. This delay allows developers to optimize the game for the older hardware, ensuring it runs as smoothly as possible.

Why the Delay for Older Consoles?

The delay for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions primarily stems from the technical challenges of porting a game designed for next-gen consoles to older hardware. The developers needed extra time to ensure that Jedi: Survivor maintains its quality and performance, even on less powerful systems. The goal is to deliver an experience that’s as close to the next-gen versions as possible, albeit with some necessary compromises.

The critically acclaimed Star Wars: Jedi Survivor is coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on September 17, 2024!

What to Expect in Terms of Performance

How Does Jedi: Survivor Perform on Xbox One and PlayStation 4?

Let’s address the Bantha in the room—performance. Given that Xbox One and PlayStation 4 are now considered “last-gen” consoles, there will be differences in performance compared to the next-gen versions. The game will run on a single standard display setting, which means no options to toggle between Quality and Performance modes. Expect lower resolution and frame rates compared to the Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 versions.

Will There Be a Day 1 Patch?

Yes, just like with the other versions, there will be a Day 1 patch required to play Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. This patch ensures the game runs as smoothly as possible, addressing any last-minute bugs and optimizing performance. Once installed, you can enjoy the game offline if you prefer.

Cosmetic Items and Pre-Order Bonuses

What Pre-Order Bonuses Are Available?

If you pre-order Jedi: Survivor for Xbox One or PlayStation 4, you’ll receive the “Jedi Survival” Cosmetic Pack inspired by Obi-Wan Kenobi. This pack allows you to outfit Cal Kestis with gear that pays homage to the legendary Jedi Master. These items are purely cosmetic, offering no gameplay advantages, but they certainly add a cool factor to your in-game appearance.

Can Deluxe Edition Content Be Accessed on Xbox One and PlayStation 4?

Unfortunately, the Deluxe Edition is not available for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. If you’re interested in the Deluxe Edition’s cosmetic items, such as those inspired by Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and R2-D2, you’ll need to upgrade to a next-gen console. The standard edition is the only version available for these platforms.

Upgrading and Cross-Gen Features

Can I Upgrade from the Standard to Deluxe Edition?

For Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players, upgrading from the Standard to Deluxe Edition is a bit more complicated. You’ll first need to upgrade to the Standard Edition on a next-gen console, and only then can you upgrade to the Deluxe Edition. There’s no direct upgrade path available on the older consoles.

Will Save Files Transfer Between Generations?

Good news for those planning to eventually upgrade! Save files from Jedi: Survivor can transfer from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5 and from Xbox One to Xbox Series X|S. However, the reverse isn’t possible—so once you’ve upgraded, there’s no going back.

Will the Pre-Order Cosmetic Pack Transfer Between Generations?

Yes, the Obi-Wan Kenobi-inspired “Jedi Survival” Cosmetic Pack will transfer across generations on the same platform. So if you start your journey on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 and later upgrade to the next-gen version, your cosmetic items will come with you.

Final Thoughts—Is Jedi: Survivor Worth It on Older Consoles?

While Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is optimized for next-gen consoles, the developers have made a concerted effort to bring a quality experience to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players. Sure, there are some limitations in terms of performance and cosmetic content, but the core gameplay experience remains intact. If you’re a Star Wars fan who hasn’t yet upgraded your console, Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 offers a compelling adventure that’s well worth your time.

So, whether you’re wielding a lightsaber on an Xbox One or exploring the galaxy on a PlayStation 4, there’s no shortage of excitement awaiting you in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. The Force is strong with this one, regardless of which console you play on.

For more information, check out the official FAQ