Casino Royale of the Galaxy: Star Wars and the Digital Age of Gambling

May the odds be with you: A list of casino games that exist in the Star Wars universe

Han Solo’s schooling of Lando in a card game and winning the Millennium Falcon are some of the most famous depictions of gambling in the Star Wars universe. But it is only one of many. Across the Galactic Empire are many casino and betting games just as, if not more, exciting as Sabacc. Let’s look at some of these games and how they’re played.


We start with the most popular game in the galaxy. A beloved pastime for Han Solo and Lando Calrissian, Sabacc is a card game first depicted in Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu in 1983. Fans have likened it to the poker and blackjack games common in online casinos like Betway because players add and subtract from cards to hit 23. It is so popular within the franchise that it has variants, like Corellian Spike Sabacc. Sabacc is the game Lando wins against Han Solo by cheating. Its most popular appearance, however, is in the scene where Han Solo wins the Millennium Falcon from Lando.


Often confused with Sabacc, Pazaak is another card game of chance in the Star Wars universe. Players play Pazaak by adding or subtracting cards to reach 20, with the option of drawing special cards from a side deck. This makes it very similar to blackjack.

Pazaak is popular across the Galactic Empire. However, it is more commonly played at the Cantonica, Canto Casino and Racetrack, and the Alcazar Cantina. The New Republic has used Pazaak cards to mark bounties.


In a galaxy far, far away, the force is strong with slot games. There are many slot machines in Star Wars casinos, including Club Vertica and Nar Shaddaa’s Star Cluster. During night events like the yearly Soovada, players can play a few rounds on the Kingpin and Smuggler’s Luck machines. There are also several slot machines on the Tatooine in Jabba the Hutt’s palace and the Royal Casino in Cloud City and Depatar.   

Chance cubes

Chance cubes are a regular sight in Star Wars. You may have seen them in episodes like Jedi Twilight, Old Republic, and Rite of Passage or in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. Modelled after regular dice, these special playing cubes come in handy when placing bets. The most popular scene involving them is the Boonta Eve Classic when Watto uses a chance cube to decide the fate of Anakin Skywalker during a wager with Qui-Gon Jin.

Chance cubes are usually red and blue, although, as in Watto’s case, they can be manipulated to favour specific outcomes. They also have six or more sides.

Digotto involves arranging digidroids to form the highest, lowest, or closest number to a goal in a game. Digotto requires an understanding of mathematics. 


The last game on our list is a card game of sorts. A particular favorite of podracer Teemto Pagalies, Digotto involves arranging digidroids to form the highest, lowest, or closest number to a goal in a game. Digotto requires an understanding of mathematics. 

Play Star Wars-themed casino games at a reputable casino

Game developers haven’t replicated Sabacc and Pazaak yet. However, they have created many Star Wars-themed casino games and slots that you can play online at reputable online casinos. These games replicate the Sci-Fi scenes, music, and themes you love so much, bringing the empire to your screen. To give them a try, set up an account with a reliable online casino like Betway and search for ‘Star Wars’ in the games section.