Armor Dyes

SWTOR Update 7.5: Cartel Market Additions

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Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) continues to delight its players with fresh content and exciting updates. The latest, Game Update 7.5, brings an array of new items to the Cartel Market. From unique armors and customizations to powerful weapons and stylish mounts, this update ensures that players have even more ways to personalize their in-game experience. New Armor Sets Dark Harbinger Armor Inspired by The Acolyte, the Dark Harbinger Armor set exudes a menacing aura, perfect for Sith characters. Its dark, intricate design adds a layer of intimidation, making it an ideal choice for those who want to showcase their power and presence. Refined Mentor Armor The Refined Mentor Armor set offers a sleek, polished look, embodying the wisdom and elegance of a seasoned mentor. This set is designed for players who prefer a sophisticated and refined appearance. Player Customizations Fallen Master Hair and Beard Bundle This bundle introduces…

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Preview of SWTOR Armor Dyes

We already told you about how armor dye kits are coming to SWTOR. This is a point of excitement for many players who are looking forward to the chance to change their gear or wear gear they love with the colors they want. While some of the gear is not eligible to be dyed, there is still a lot of flexibility when it comes to changing your look. This is just one more way that Bioware is moving forward with their “customization update” and giving players some of what we have been asking for all along. It’s many of these seemingly small details that actually make a game stand out among others. Something as simple as the look of gear can make some players choose to leave the game. Allowing more customization, like with these armor dyes, is one more way to keep players happy and on board. While there…

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