Odessen Warzone

SWTOR: PTS Warzone and Arena Changelist

Odessen Warzone and Rishi Arena is going through some changes on the SWTOR Public test servers. Here are a list of what has been changed this time: Odessen Warzone Performed a small optimization pass on Odessen Warzone visuals. Designer Note: We are expecting a slight increase in client performance while in the Odessen Warzone with this update. The update included removing the VFX that plays your team’s color while in a Control Point area. We are still performing additional optimization passes but wanted to get this out into the wild to see how it played. Control Points are active for approximately 90 seconds, up from the previous 75 seconds. Designer Note: We found that players didn’t have enough time to react to changes during a round and that this would allow more time for attackers to remove defenders. In Round 1 only the three middle Control Points (Defense Cannon, Cantina,…

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