
Facebook Image of The Week #27

It’s that time of the week again. The time were BioWare gives updates there facebook page with a new screenshot of Star Wars: The old republic. This week we get to se more Jedi action, as a Jedi Shadow strikes down a Sith soldier: Concluding a fierce battle on the battered world of Corellia, a Jedi Shadow strikes down the last of an Imperial patrol.

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Facebook Image of The Week #26

BioWare relased this weeks Facebook image late today, but here it is: The Jedi Shadow stands alone after an intense battle inside an Imperial encampment. There is a pretty interesting comment on Facebook regarding the picture: I wish the sentinel and shadow switched weapons, it just seems more appropriate for a stealth character to have two singles rather than a double I totally agree.

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Facebook Image of The Week #24

BioWare has once again updated the official Facebook page with a new screenshot of Star Wars: the old republic. This time we get to see a screenshot of the planet Voss. The planet Voss is steeped in war between its native species, the Voss and Gormak. Somone also leaked  some sweet sweet beta gameplay of the Imperial agent.

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Facebook Image of The Week #23

It’s Wednesday again, and we the fans get “treated” with yet another official screenshot of SWTOR. BioWare has just updated the facebook fange page with this nice image: Fighting back an invading boarding party, the Smuggler draws his weapon before the Mandalorian can attack. A fair screenshot I guess, but somehow I want more. There for I searched the interwebs and came across this little jewl, showing off Miralukan eye-bands. Enjoy:

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Facebook Image of The Week #21

While the internet is going nuts over preorder and release dates, BioWare updates the official Star Wars The old Republic Facebook page with a new image. This time it’s an image of a Republic shield generator on Hoth: Partially buried beneath the ice, the Republic’s shield generator serves as the first line of defense against an ever-present Imperial threat on the contested world of Hoth.

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Facebook Image of The Week #18

Today is Thursday… But yesterday was Wednesday, which means BioWare gave us another new image on The Old Republic’s Facebook page! An enterprising young Bounty Hunter conducts business with Nem’ro the Hutt, a powerful and influential crime lord on the foul world of Hutta. If your not already following Star Wars: The old republic on Facebook, go do so here

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Facebook Image of The Week #17

It’s the next best day of the week. The day were BioWare spoils us with a new screenshot of the game. This image was published on their Facebook page earliere today. Jawas, notorious tinkerers and collectors of discarded desert junk, carefully inspect an astromech droid at one of Anchorhead’s many trading posts.

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Facebook Image of The Week #16

We diden’t get a Facebook image last week from the BioWare crew, but they are more then excused due to all the nice E3 Updates. But now the world is back to normal for a while and BioWare is teasing us with a new screenshot from SWTOR. This time we get a new image of the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. The courtyard of the Dark Temple is frightening enough to keep away even those few willing to challenge the Emperor’s decrees.

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New Facebook Image

BioWare reached an incredible milestone today, as the facebook page for Star Wars: The old Republic reached 300.000 likes. This is very impressing since the game is not even out yet. To celebrate and to show their appreciation, BioWare have posted a new screenshot of a Sith Assassin preparing himself for a fight by readying his double-bladed Lightsaber.

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Facebook Image Of The Week #12

We have reached the middle day of the week and BioWare have shared another SWTOR ingame screenshot. This time the description goes like this: The Empire has eyes everywhere – secret surveillance stations show up in the most unlikely places. If your not already doing so, you can follow SWTOR on Facebook here. Also please remember to follow our own little page here.

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Facebook Image Of The Week #10

You know how I know that you know that it’s wednesday?? BioWare is updating the official Facebook page with a new screenshot of Star Wars: The old republic – That’s how! This time we get to see Han Solo and Chewbacca shoot down an Imperial probe droid on Hoth. Han diden’t hit it that hard, so it must have had a self destruct mechanism… Oh wait. That’s much later in the story. Here is the real description: This Jedi Knight silences yet another security Droid as he approaches a Separatist stronghold on Ord Mantell.

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Facebook Image Of The Week #9

It’s wednesday again and time for a new Facebook Image update for Star Wars: The old republic. THis week we get a glimpse of the a dark temple on the Sith Planet Dromund Kaas The Dark Temple is forbidden ground on Dromund Kaas. Rumors circulate constantly among the Sith of what might be inside, hidden by the Emperor himself Remember to check out the rest of BioWares Facebook updates here.

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Facebook Image Of The Week #8

BioWare have updated there SWTOR Facebook page with a new weekly Star Wars: The old republic Image. the description goes as this: High among towering mountain peaks on Alderaan, this settlement shows no obvious signs of the growing political unrest that plagues the planet. I really hope that building has some sort of anti-snow on stairs device working. Extremely hard to imagine no snow on a building that is in the highest points of a snowy mountain peak. 5000 years later… BOOOOM!

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