
SWTOR vs. WoW Big Media Coverage Roundup

People are talking about SWTOR- this we already know but now that the official launch date has arrived, we see big media coverage at an all-time high. We also continue to see the comparisons made between SWTOR and WoW. USA Today had two stories on the game and it was also covered by large news organizations like the New York Times, The Telegraph, BBC, Daily Mail, and all of which had something to say about SWTOR and WoW. Big media roundup of SWTOR vs. WoW: New York Times “On Tuesday, Electronic Arts will release Star Wars: The Old Republic, a sprawling multiplayer online adventure that is the first legitimate competition that World of Warcraft has faced for the hearts, minds, hours and dollars of millions of players. “Star Wars” games have been around for decades, but the Old Republic provides the most extensive opportunity to become your own Jedi…

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SWTOUR Roundup part 1 –

Now that the embargo is lifted on the Austin Fan Site Summit, people are talking and fans are anxiously awaiting all of the exciting news to come of the event. There is so much information out already that it can be difficult to make sense of it all. Unless you have hours to pour over it all (like me) then here are some recaps of the top, must-see info in our very own SWTOUR Roundup: Audio: Blaine Christine and Daniel Erickson via youtube, via Right from the start, this audio covers one question we all have which is what they are doing to prepare for the expected huge launch of the game and to prevent servers from crashing/experiencing downtime during this much-anticipated launch. Next they speak about Datachrons and the reward involved as well as other concepts of the Datahrons and the mini games and space content that will…

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