Display Name Only

Reminder: Display Name Only Log In Now Live (Also Self Service Security Key)

Just a friendly reminder that Display Name Only Log In is  Now Live.  People are still debating if Display Name Only is more secure then email login, but they way I see it  there’s now no link between your login name (Display Name) and your email address. If someone gets a hold of your swtor password, they still can’t get your email address because it’s obfuscated (shows up as m*******@gmail.com). That adds another obstacle for them to overcome to hijack your email address (the more important account imo). If someone has control of your email address, you have much bigger problems to worry about than just your swtor account. Keep in mind that their security system has always been built around the assumption that the hacker already knows your username. They’re keeping things secure by using a combination of password and security questions/key. Anyways, below is the news update from BioWare: Display Name Only Log…

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