Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

Replay 300 – Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II

Game Informer just recently kicked off a limited series called replay 300. In this series, they play select games from their Top 300 list, regardless of their history on Replay. The first episode was Super Metroid, which was a bit nostalgic for me as well, but it was the second week that the magic really happened. For week 2 of Replay 300, they hit a different corner of space in Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. This was one of the first Star Wars games I ever played. It was also one of the first that ever got lightsabers right (although it’s debatable in the community). They brought Dark Jedi/ dark forces to the game and this wasn’t really done before either. So join Andy, Reiner, Joe, Tack and Leo as we take look back at the pulse-pounding gameplay and beautiful FMV cutscenes of a now twenty-year-old Star Wars game….

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