What If John Carpenter's The Thing Landed on Coruscant? A Star Wars Horror Story

What If John Carpenter’s The Thing Landed on Coruscant? A Star Wars Horror Story

Picture this: Coruscant, the bustling city-planet at the heart of the Star Wars galaxy. It’s home to trillions of beings, from humans to Wookiees to whatever species Yoda is, and it’s the center of politics, trade, and Jedi business. Now, drop John Carpenter’s The Thing—the ultimate shape-shifting, paranoia-inducing, nightmare-inducing creature—into the mix. What happens next? Let’s just say things are about to get very, very messy.

Coruscant: The Galaxy’s Biggest Buffet

Coruscant isn’t just a city; it’s the city—a planet-wide metropolis teeming with life. For The Thing, this is basically an all-you-can-eat buffet. With trillions of beings packed into every corner of the planet, The Thing would have a field day. It can perfectly mimic any living being it comes into contact with, so no one is safe. Imagine the paranoia spreading like wildfire as people start realizing that the guy next to them might not be the guy they think he is.

No one would be able to trust anyone—not their friends, not their neighbors, not even their Jedi Masters. The only thing worse than realizing The Thing could be anywhere is realizing it could be anyone. That’s right, folks: The Thing would turn Coruscant into the galaxy’s biggest episode of “Who’s the Real Person?” and it wouldn’t take long for everyone to start losing their minds.

Jedi vs. The Thing: Good Luck, Skywalkers

If you think the Jedi would have an easy time dealing with The Thing, think again. Sure, they’ve got lightsabers and the Force, but The Thing doesn’t play by the rules. It can hide, it can mimic, and it can turn a peaceful Jedi Council meeting into a full-on horror show.

Imagine the Jedi Masters sitting around their big round table, trying to figure out why Mace Windu has been acting a little strange lately. Spoiler alert: It’s because Mace Windu is now 100% Thing. The lightsabers would come out, and suddenly it’s an all-out brawl as everyone tries to figure out who’s still themselves and who’s a Thing-impostor.

Yoda might try to use his ancient wisdom to sense who’s real, but even he’d probably end up squinting suspiciously at everyone else in the room. And let’s be real, when Yoda starts getting paranoid, you know things have gone off the rails.

The Senate: We’re All Doomed

Now, imagine a Xenomorph breaking into the Galactic Senate during a particularly dull debate. Senators floating in their pods would go from discussing trade disputes to screaming in terror as the Xenomorph slithers through the room. Palpatine, ever the opportunist, might raise an eyebrow and think, “Now this is an interesting development.”

And if the Xenomorph somehow made its way to Palpatine’s office? Well, you can bet that he’d try to harness its destructive power—because what’s a Sith Lord without a deadly creature to command? But even Palpatine might hesitate when he realizes that the Xenomorph isn’t interested in power or the dark side. It’s just interested in making everything that moves into a snack.

Droids: The Unsung Heroes

But wait—what about the droids? Here’s the twist nobody saw coming: the droids are the only ones who might actually be safe. The Thing needs organic material to assimilate, and last time we checked, C-3PO is more metal than man. R2-D2, ever the brave little droid, might figure out what’s going on first, beeping frantically as he tries to warn everyone. But of course, nobody listens to the droid until it’s too late.

Meanwhile, the battle droids would be hilariously out of their depth. “Uh-oh,” one might say before it’s promptly sliced in half by a suspicious Jedi who’s not taking any chances. It turns out that in a galaxy filled with living beings, the droids might just be the ones who save the day—or at least survive the longest.

The Final Showdown: The Thing vs. the Galaxy

Eventually, The Thing would become a threat too big to ignore, and the galaxy’s best and brightest (and maybe some of the not-so-brightest) would have to come together to stop it. Picture Jedi, bounty hunters, droids, and maybe even a few desperate politicians teaming up to take down this unstoppable menace.

Of course, The Thing isn’t just going to sit there and wait to be destroyed. It would hide, it would fight back, and it would make everyone on Coruscant question their own reality. The ultimate showdown might involve a massive, planet-wide hunt for the creature, with lightsabers flashing, blasters firing, and plenty of dramatic reveals as trusted allies turn out to be something else entirely.

In the end, the only way to truly stop The Thing might be to blow something up. And given that this is Coruscant, that’s going to be a tricky proposition. But in the Star Wars galaxy, when all else fails, you can always count on a well-placed explosion to save the day—or at least make a really big mess.

Conclusion: A Threat Like No Other

If John Carpenter’s The Thing landed on Coruscant, it would be a disaster of galactic proportions. The Jedi would be on high alert, the Senate would be in chaos, and the droids might be the only ones who actually stand a chance. The Thing’s ability to mimic anyone means no one would be safe, and the paranoia would spread faster than a TIE fighter in hyperdrive.

In the end, Coruscant might never be the same. And the phrase “I’ve got a bad feeling about this”? Let’s just say it would become the understatement of the millennium.

Novara Skuara

When I was 7, I saw Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters a week after it opened. My parents were nice enough to take me and I have been a fan of Star Wars and almost all science fiction in general. I am an amateur writer who has been published for contributing flavor text to a RP game. I also have a copyright on a novel I hope to be able to publish sometime soon.