SWG Infinity's Latest Update: Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and New Quest Logic

SWG Infinity’s Latest Update: Enhancements, Bug Fixes, and New Quest Logic

Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) has always held a special place in the hearts of MMORPG fans. The rogue server community has kept the spirit of this beloved game alive, with SWG Infinity being one of the standout servers. The latest update from SWG Infinity has brought a host of exciting changes, including numerous bug fixes, animation enhancements, new quest logic for Mandalorian content, and significant improvements in AI pathing. In this article, we’ll dive into these updates and explore what they mean for the players.

Last night we hosted a PvE event with the krayt king. 
Great timing by all to catch this awesome shot

What’s New in SWG Infinity?

Animation Fixes

One of the most noticeable improvements in the latest update is the animation fixes. Animations play a crucial role in creating an immersive gaming experience. They ensure that character movements are fluid and realistic, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the game. The SWG Infinity team has addressed various animation issues, particularly with knockdown animations. Players will now notice smoother and more natural movements, which significantly improve the gameplay experience.

New Quest Logic for Mandalorian Content

Mandalorian content has always been a fan favorite, and the latest update brings exciting new quest logic to this aspect of the game. The update introduces improved logic for the Mandalorian exit quest, ensuring that the NPCs involved in these quests function correctly. The NPCs in the fishing village, for example, are now invulnerable and stationary, allowing for the proper final explosion check. This change ensures that the quest progression is smooth and free from bugs, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in their Mandalorian adventures.

Improvements in AI Pathing

AI pathing is another critical element that can make or break the gaming experience. Poor AI pathing can lead to frustrating moments where NPCs get stuck in walls or fail to navigate the environment correctly. The latest update addresses these issues by adding navigation areas to common problem spots where AI agents tend to get stuck. This improvement ensures that NPCs can move more freely and interact with the environment in a more realistic manner. Players will notice fewer instances of NPCs behaving erratically, making for a more seamless and enjoyable experience.

Detailed Patch Notes

Infinity 2.0.62 Patch Notes – 19 July 2024

  • Launcher
    • New animations tre file
    • Posture animation speeds have been adjusted
    • Force Power animations speeds, while in combat, have been adjusted
  • Posture Change Delay Adjustments
    • Peace command will not work while player is under a posture change delay
  • Bounty Hunting
    • Fixed a bug which prevented certain non-functional Jedi Padawans from being hunted by Mandalorians
  • NPC Force Throw
    • Force Throw from NPCs against players has been reduced again (70%)
  • City Management
    • Added new City Management Menu item: City Pardon All City Banned Players

For a complete list of updates and detailed patch notes, you can visit the official SWG Infinity website here.

The Impact of These Updates

The latest updates to SWG Infinity are a testament to the team’s commitment to providing an exceptional gaming experience. By addressing key issues such as animation glitches, quest logic, and AI pathing, the developers have ensured that players can enjoy a more polished and immersive game. These improvements not only enhance the visual and gameplay experience but also contribute to a more stable and enjoyable environment for all players.

Enhanced Immersion

Animation fixes and improved AI pathing contribute significantly to the overall immersion of the game. When character movements and NPC interactions are smooth and realistic, players can lose themselves in the Star Wars universe more easily. This level of immersion is what keeps players coming back, eager to explore new content and engage with the game world.

Smoother Quest Progression

The new quest logic for Mandalorian content ensures that players can progress through their quests without encountering frustrating bugs or glitches. This enhancement is particularly important for maintaining the flow of the game and keeping players engaged. Smooth quest progression allows players to focus on the story and their character development, rather than getting bogged down by technical issues.

Improved AI Behavior

AI pathing improvements mean that NPCs will behave more predictably and logically. This change reduces instances of NPCs getting stuck or behaving erratically, which can break the immersion and disrupt gameplay. By ensuring that NPCs can navigate the environment more effectively, the developers have created a more seamless and enjoyable experience for players.

SWG Infinity continues to impress with its commitment to enhancing the gaming experience for its community.


SWG Infinity continues to impress with its commitment to enhancing the gaming experience for its community. The latest updates, including animation fixes, new quest logic for Mandalorian content, and improvements in AI pathing, demonstrate the team’s dedication to providing a polished and immersive game. As players dive back into the Star Wars universe, they can look forward to a smoother, more engaging experience thanks to these updates.

For the complete patch notes and more information about SWG Infinity, visit the official post here.

By continuously improving and updating the game, SWG Infinity ensures that the legacy of Star Wars Galaxies lives on, providing fans with a vibrant and dynamic universe to explore. May the Force be with you as you embark on your next adventure in the galaxy far, far away!