Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Update 3: What’s New and Improved

Aspyr has released Update 3 for “Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection,” addressing a range of issues across all platforms, including the Nintendo Switch. This update aims to improve server stability, fix graphical glitches, and resolve various bugs. Here’s a detailed look at what’s been changed and how these updates enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Update 3: What's New and Improved
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Update 3: What’s New and Improved

Key Highlights of Update 3

Server Stability Enhancements

One of the primary focuses of this update is improving server stability. Players had previously reported connectivity issues and unexpected disconnections during gameplay. The latest patch aims to provide a smoother online experience, reducing instances of lag and server crashes.

Bug Fixes Across All Platforms

General Fixes

  • Audio Issues: Fixed an issue where loud sounds would occasionally play during matches, disrupting the immersive experience.
  • Game Crashes: Addressed various scenarios where the game would crash unexpectedly, ensuring more stable gameplay sessions.
  • UI and Text: Corrected multiple issues related to the user interface and text, enhancing the overall visual clarity and user experience.

Specific Gameplay Fixes

  • Splitscreen Mode: Fixed an issue where first-person zoom had a distortion effect applied to one player.
  • Award Weapons: Resolved issues where players could not spawn with award weapons and bonuses after reaching Legendary rank and where these could be unlocked prematurely.
  • Controls: Fixed the “Swap LS and RS” option so that L3 and R3 buttons are correctly swapped.
  • Campaign Options: Players can now change custom campaign options in split-screen conquest mode.
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Update 3: What's New and Improved

Nintendo Switch Specific Fixes

Switch-Specific Issues

  • Splitscreen Saves: Resolved an issue where saves could not be made while playing splitscreen Galactic Conquest on “Battlefront 1.”
  • Controller Vibration: Fixed an issue where vibration would fail to function with a wired Nintendo Switch Pro Controller on “Battlefront 2.”

Game-Specific Fixes

Battlefront 1 (BF1) Fixes

  • Look Sensitivity: Adjusted the look sensitivity option to apply correctly after enabling the “Swap LS & RS” option.
  • Map Issues: Fixed an issue where the AT-ST loadout would fail to spawn on the Tatooine: Mos Eisley map.

Battlefront 2 (BF2) Fixes

  • Video Journals: Ensured different 501st video journals play at the beginning and end of missions.
  • Voice Lines: Fixed issues where English voice lines would play after selecting a non-English language.
  • Multiplayer Animations: Addressed issues with weapon/item swap animations playing twice and units becoming invisible.
  • Graphical Issues: Resolved graphical glitches like multi-colored snow on Hoth and flickering ground on the Mos Eisley map.
  • Gameplay Adjustments: Improved the appearance of Hero/Villain characters, ensuring they don’t float above the ground and correcting hit VFX and animations in Hero Assault mode.
Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Update 3: What's New and Improved


What are the main improvements in Update 3? Update 3 focuses on server stability, bug fixes, and graphical improvements across all platforms, including specific fixes for the Nintendo Switch version.

How does the update improve multiplayer experience? The update enhances server stability, reduces lag, and addresses various gameplay issues like weapon/item swap animations and invisibility glitches in multiplayer matches.

What specific fixes are included for the Nintendo Switch? The Switch-specific fixes include resolving splitscreen save issues in “Battlefront 1” and addressing controller vibration problems in “Battlefront 2.”

Are there any new features in this update? While Update 3 primarily focuses on bug fixes and improvements, it also ensures better functionality of existing features like custom campaign options in split-screen mode and correct application of control settings.

How does this update affect gameplay on “Battlefront 2”? The update fixes numerous issues, including those related to hero/villain appearances, voice lines, hit VFX, and animations in Hero Assault mode, improving the overall gameplay experience.

Will there be more updates in the future? Aspyr has been proactive in addressing issues and releasing updates. Future patches will likely continue to refine the gameplay experience based on player feedback.


The release of Update 3 for “Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection” marks a significant step towards improving the overall gameplay experience. With enhancements in server stability, numerous bug fixes, and specific improvements for the Nintendo Switch, players can look forward to a more stable and enjoyable gaming experience. Stay tuned for future updates and continue to explore the galaxy far, far away.