How NSYNC Almost Got 'Bye Bye Bye'd' into a Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Tale of Jedi and Pop Stars

How NSYNC Almost Got ‘Bye Bye Bye’d’ into a Galaxy Far, Far Away: A Tale of Jedi and Pop Stars

Picture this: It’s 2001, *NSYNC is at the zenith of their boy band glory, and George Lucas is deep into crafting the next chapter of the beloved Star Wars saga. Amid lightsabers and droid armies, a pop culture phenomenon is about to collide with a galaxy far, far away. Yes, my friends, *NSYNC almost ended up as Jedi in “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.” Let’s explore this near-crossover of epic proportions and draw some parallels with the unexpected guest appearances in “The Mandalorian” Season 3 featuring none other than Jack Black and Lizzo.

The Prelude to the Epic (or Hilarious) Crossover

Back in the early 2000s, if you weren’t doing the “Bye Bye Bye” dance, were you even living? *NSYNC, consisting of Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, and Chris Kirkpatrick, was the epitome of cool, with legions of fans swooning over their every move. Meanwhile, George Lucas was busy building the Star Wars prequels, eagerly anticipated by fans who were equally rabid (though for different reasons).

It turns out Lucas’s daughters were huge *NSYNC fans, and like any doting dad, he wanted to make their dreams come true. So, he did what any dad with a multimillion-dollar film project would do: he invited their favorite boy band to play Jedi Knights. You can imagine the pitch: “Hey, guys, how about trading your mics for lightsabers?”

It turns out Lucas's daughters were huge *NSYNC fans

A Galaxy Far, Far Away Almost Got ‘NSYNColated’

The scene in question was a chaotic battle on the planet Geonosis, where the Jedi, including our boy band heroes, were supposed to valiantly fight off droid forces. The band members suited up, wielding lightsabers, and filmed their parts. For a brief moment, the Force was strong with these pop stars.

But then, the Force encountered an unexpected disturbance: the fans. When word got out about the cameo, hardcore Star Wars aficionados did what they do best – they freaked out. The backlash was swift and fierce. Star Wars fans could accept midichlorians, but *NSYNC as Jedi? That was a step too far. Lucasfilm ultimately decided to cut the scene, much to the chagrin of *NSYNC fans and the delight of purists everywhere.

Fast Forward: The Mandalorian Brings Surprises

Fast forward to 2023, and Star Wars is once again pushing the boundaries with unexpected guest stars. “The Mandalorian” Season 3 brought us an episode featuring Jack Black and Lizzo. Yes, you read that right. The King of Quirk and the Queen of Pop graced the screen, playing a royal couple in the galaxy. It was an episode that made fans do a double-take, much like the *NSYNC news of yesteryear.

But this time, the reception was different. Perhaps we’ve evolved as a fandom, or maybe Jack Black and Lizzo have a different kind of charm. Their cameo was met with a mix of surprise and delight. Jack Black’s larger-than-life personality and Lizzo’s infectious charisma blended seamlessly into the Star Wars universe, providing a refreshing and entertaining twist.

"The Mandalorian" Season 3 brought us an episode featuring Jack Black and Lizzo

Comparing Cameos: Why Did One Work and the Other Didn’t?

So, why did the *NSYNC cameo face such resistance while Jack Black and Lizzo’s appearance was embraced? Let’s break it down:

  1. Timing and Fandom Evolution:
    • In 2001, Star Wars fans were still reeling from the unexpected direction of “The Phantom Menace.” Adding a pop band to the mix felt like another jarring shift.
    • By 2023, Star Wars had ventured into many new territories. Fans had grown accustomed to crossovers and unexpected twists, making them more open to surprises.
  2. Cameo Execution:
    • *NSYNC’s cameo was in a serious battle scene, clashing with the gravity of the moment.
    • Jack Black and Lizzo’s roles were in a more whimsical context, fitting their larger-than-life personas and the playful tone of “The Mandalorian.”
  3. Cultural Context:
    • In the early 2000s, the line between different entertainment genres was more rigid. Boy bands in space? Unthinkable!
    • Today, pop culture is a melting pot. Crossovers are celebrated, and the blending of genres is the norm.
Picture Justin Timberlake spinning a lightsaber, Joey Fatone battling droids, and Lance Bass using the Force. Would it have changed the course of Star Wars history? Would boy band Jedi action figures be collectors’ items today?

What If *NSYNC Had Stayed?

Imagine a world where *NSYNC’s scene wasn’t cut. Picture Justin Timberlake spinning a lightsaber, Joey Fatone battling droids, and Lance Bass using the Force. Would it have changed the course of Star Wars history? Would boy band Jedi action figures be collectors’ items today?

Perhaps the inclusion of *NSYNC would have paved the way for more daring cameos early on, making the Star Wars universe even more eclectic. We might have seen Britney Spears as a Twi’lek dancer, or Backstreet Boys as rival Sith Lords. The possibilities are endless (and hilarious).

Lessons Learned

The saga of *NSYNC’s near Star Wars moment teaches us a few things:

  • Fan Power: Never underestimate the voice of the fandom. They can make or break the inclusion of even the most popular stars.
  • Adaptability: Star Wars has shown an incredible ability to adapt and evolve, embracing new trends and talents.
  • Fun Factor: Ultimately, it’s about balancing the seriousness of the lore with fun, unexpected elements that keep the galaxy fresh and exciting.


The near-miss of *NSYNC in “Attack of the Clones” and the successful inclusion of Jack Black and Lizzo in “The Mandalorian” are two sides of the same coin. They highlight the delicate dance between fan expectations and creative experimentation. While *NSYNC didn’t get to wield their lightsabers on screen, their story remains a charming footnote in Star Wars history. And who knows? Maybe in another galaxy, *NSYNC is the most powerful Jedi council ever assembled.