Ghost of Tsushima Inspired Star Wars Outlaws

How Ghost of Tsushima Inspired the Open-World Design of Star Wars Outlaws

If you’re buzzing about the upcoming release of “Star Wars Outlaws,” then you might be intrigued to learn about its fascinating development journey. Ubisoft has revealed that one of the major influences behind the game’s open-world design is none other than “Ghost of Tsushima.” Let’s dive into how this samurai epic has shaped the Star Wars universe in unexpected ways. A Galaxy Far, Far Away Meets Feudal Japan

A Galaxy Far, Far Away Meets Feudal Japan

When you think about “Star Wars” and “Ghost of Tsushima,” they might seem worlds apart—literally. One is a sci-fi saga set in a sprawling galaxy, while the other immerses you in the historical beauty of feudal Japan. But Ubisoft has managed to draw some intriguing parallels, particularly in their approach to creating a compelling open-world experience. In “Ghost of Tsushima,” players roam the vast, stunning landscapes of Tsushima Island, encountering diverse environments, dynamic weather, and a living world teeming with activities. This sense of freedom and exploration is something Ubisoft aims to replicate in “Star Wars Outlaws.” By taking cues from Sucker Punch’s acclaimed game, “Star Wars Outlaws” promises a rich, immersive world where players can get lost in their interstellar adventures.

Embracing the Spirit of Exploration

One of the standout features of “Ghost of Tsushima” is its approach to exploration. The game encourages players to discover its secrets organically, using environmental cues rather than map markers to guide the way. This design philosophy is set to play a crucial role in “Star Wars Outlaws.” Ubisoft wants players to feel the thrill of uncovering hidden paths, stumbling upon unexpected encounters, and forging their own stories in the vastness of space. Instead of relying heavily on waypoints and markers, “Star Wars Outlaws” will use the environment itself to entice players. Think of clues in the landscape, subtle visual hints, and the overall atmosphere that beckons you to explore. This approach not only enhances immersion but also makes each discovery feel more personal and rewarding. How Ghost of Tsushima Influenced Star Wars Outlaws' Open-World Design

Dynamic World and Player Interaction

Another significant influence from “Ghost of Tsushima” is its dynamic world, which reacts to the player’s actions. In “Star Wars Outlaws,” expect to see a similar level of interactivity. NPCs will have their own schedules and routines, the world will change with the time of day, and your choices will have tangible impacts on the environment and storyline. For instance, if you decide to take on a mission that involves sabotaging an Imperial base, you might later encounter increased security in that region, or perhaps locals who are grateful for your efforts. This kind of responsive world-building ensures that your actions have meaningful consequences, making the galaxy feel truly alive.

Combat and Stealth Mechanics

While “Star Wars Outlaws” isn’t about wielding a katana or practicing the way of the samurai, it does borrow some of the fluid combat and stealth mechanics from “Ghost of Tsushima.” The combat in “Star Wars Outlaws” is designed to be versatile, allowing players to engage in direct confrontations or take a more stealthy approach depending on the situation. Ubisoft has emphasized the importance of player choice in combat. You might decide to charge in with blasters blazing, or you could opt for a quieter approach, sneaking past enemies and using the environment to your advantage. This flexibility ensures that every encounter can be approached in multiple ways, catering to different playstyles.

Visual and Atmospheric Inspirations

“Ghost of Tsushima” is renowned for its breathtaking visuals and meticulously crafted environments. This attention to detail is something that “Star Wars Outlaws” aspires to emulate. Ubisoft is focusing on creating diverse and visually stunning locales that capture the essence of the Star Wars universe while also feeling fresh and new. Whether you’re exploring a bustling spaceport, navigating the dense jungles of an alien world, or flying through asteroid fields, the game aims to deliver a visually rich experience. The use of lighting, weather effects, and detailed textures will help bring these environments to life, making your journey through the stars an unforgettable one.

Bringing it All Together

So, how does “Ghost of Tsushima” influence “Star Wars Outlaws” in a nutshell? It’s all about creating a seamless, immersive open world where exploration feels natural, the environment is dynamic, and the visual storytelling is top-notch. By drawing inspiration from Sucker Punch’s masterpiece, Ubisoft hopes to deliver a Star Wars game that stands out for its depth, beauty, and player-driven narrative. This cross-pollination of ideas between two very different franchises highlights how universal good game design can be. While “Star Wars Outlaws” will undoubtedly have its unique identity, the influence of “Ghost of Tsushima” ensures that it will also be grounded in proven principles of engaging open-world gameplay.

Conclusion: A New Frontier in Star Wars Gaming

In conclusion, the upcoming “Star Wars Outlaws” is shaping up to be an exciting addition to the Star Wars gaming universe, thanks in part to its inspiration from “Ghost of Tsushima.” By adopting a more organic approach to exploration, creating a dynamic and responsive world, and ensuring versatile combat mechanics, Ubisoft is setting the stage for a truly immersive experience. As players prepare to embark on their journeys across the galaxy, they can look forward to an open-world design that respects their freedom and creativity. So, while the settings might be galaxies apart, the spirit of “Ghost of Tsushima” lives on in “Star Wars Outlaws,” promising an adventure that’s both vast and deeply personal. Keep your eyes peeled for more updates as “Star Wars Outlaws” continues to develop, and may the Force be with you as you prepare for this epic new chapter in the Star Wars saga!

Want More Tips?

If you’re enjoying the rebellious life, check out our other guides. If you’re on the fence whether to get the game, go check out our review here. Check out our ever-growing list of gaming guides for Star Wars: Outlaws: