How to Get the Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws

How to Get the Smoke Bomb Compressor in Star Wars Outlaws

The Smoke Bomb Compressor is one of those must-have upgrades for your Speeder in Star Wars Outlaws. After all, who doesn’t want to make a quick, mysterious escape when the Empire is breathing down your neck? But getting your hands on this nifty piece of gear isn’t as easy as it sounds. You’ll need to complete a couple of missions, navigate some treacherous terrain, and outsmart some stubborn winds. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

Complete ‘The Mechanic’ Expert Intel First

Before you can even think about getting the Smoke Bomb Compressor, you’ll need to complete the ‘The Mechanic’ Expert Intel mission. This mission is your gateway to unlocking the Smoke Bomb Compressor Intel chain, which is where the real fun begins.

Steps to Complete ‘The Mechanic’ Intel:

  1. Meet Selo: First, track down Selo, the character who gives you the ‘The Mechanic’ Intel. He’s your go-to guy for Speeder upgrades.
  2. Complete the Mission: Follow the objectives and complete ‘The Mechanic’ Intel to unlock the next phase of your journey.

Once you’ve ticked off this mission, you’re ready to tackle the Smoke Bomb Compressor Intel and upgrade your Speeder with some stealthy flair.

How to Get the Smoke Bomb Compressor

Now that you’ve unlocked the ‘Smoke Bomb Compressor’ Intel, it’s time to hop on your Speeder and head to the quest marker. The path to the Compressor is fraught with challenges, so buckle up and get ready for a wild ride.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Smoke Bomb Compressor:

  1. Head to Boulder Forest: Your quest marker will direct you to the northern part of Boulder Forest. Keep an eye out for a cave entrance blocked by some seriously strong winds. This is where the fun begins.
  2. Boost Through the Winds: Use your Speeder’s boost to push through the gusts and into the cave. Once inside, you’ll find yourself in a smaller, less windy section.
  3. Find the Grapple Point: Look around until you spot a grapple point. Use it to climb up and follow the path, which will lead you to an area called Fallen Mound. This is your target zone.
  4. Navigate the Path: In Fallen Mound, stick to the left and continue until you encounter an enemy beast. You can either sneak past it or take it out with your Blaster. (Spoiler: It takes a few shots to bring it down.)
  5. Climb the Wall: After dealing with the beast, look for a climbable wall. Scale it and follow the path until you reach another windy section. Timing is key here!
  6. Time Your Run: The winds will die down and pick up again periodically. Wait for the right moment when the winds die down, then make a break for it across the pathway.
  7. Rappel Down: Once you’ve made it across, rappel down and follow the path to the right. You’ll soon find yourself facing yet another windy obstacle.
  8. Activate the Device: You’ll see a device opposite you that can be activated with the Ion attachment on your Blaster. Shoot it multiple times until the wind subsides, then dash forward and take cover behind a large rock.
  9. Repeat the Process: When the wind starts up again, stay shielded behind the rock. Activate the device one more time and use the brief respite to move through a small gap in the rocks on your left.
  10. Enter the Large Room: Once inside, you’ll find yourself in a large room with a strong gust of wind blocking your path. Look to the right and find another device to activate. This will allow you to cross to the control panels on the left side of the room.
  11. Pull the Levers: At the control panels, command Nix to pull one lever while you pull the other. They must be pulled simultaneously to open the door in front of you.
  12. Final Dash: With the door open, activate the device with your Ion Blaster once more to stop the wind, then quickly move through the door into the next area.
  13. Collect the Compressor: Follow the path through the dark room, exit the Turbolift, and open the container in front of you. Congratulations! You’ve now got the Smoke Bomb Compressor for your Speeder.

Why the Smoke Bomb Compressor is Worth the Effort

The Smoke Bomb Compressor isn’t just a cool upgrade; it’s a tactical advantage. This upgrade allows you to create a cloud of smoke, making it much harder for enemies to track you during high-speed chases or tense escape sequences. Whether you’re evading bounty hunters or Imperial patrols, this little gadget can be a game-changer.

So, there you have it! With a bit of persistence and a lot of patience, you can add the Smoke Bomb Compressor to your Speeder’s arsenal and take your Star Wars Outlaws experience to the next level. Happy hunting, and may the wind (or lack thereof) be ever in your favor!

Want More Tips?

If you’re enjoying the rebellious life, check out our other guides. If you’re on the fence whether to get the game, go check out our review here.

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