Gear Up for the Galaxy: 'Star Wars Outlaws' Pre-Order Perks Unveiled

How Star Wars Outlaws Fits into the Timeline: Exploring Its Place in the Star Wars Lore

Star Wars Outlaws immerses players in the criminal underworld of the Star Wars galaxy during a critical juncture in the franchise’s timeline. Set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, this period is rife with conflict, making it the perfect backdrop for Kay Vess’s daring escapades. While Kay’s journey might not shift the galaxy’s balance of power, it unfolds against a turbulent backdrop where both the Empire and the Rebellion are vying for supremacy, allowing criminal syndicates to seize power.

The Setting: Between Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi

Star Wars Outlaws takes place during one of the most volatile periods in the Star Wars saga. The galaxy is in chaos, with the Empire reeling from the Rebel Alliance’s victory at the Battle of Yavin but still holding the upper hand after defeating the Rebels on Hoth. As the Rebel Alliance regroups and strategizes for future assaults, the Empire is focused on crushing this growing threat. This preoccupation with the Rebellion allows other factions, particularly those within the criminal underworld, to exploit the chaos for their own gain.

The Empire’s Growing Weakness

The Empire, once a symbol of unyielding control, is beginning to show signs of weakness. The Rebel Alliance, though still a fledgling force, has managed to expose cracks in the Empire’s armor, leading to a surge in criminal activity across the galaxy. Imperial forces are more concerned with quelling the Rebel threat than policing the galaxy’s fringes, which leaves ample room for syndicates and smugglers like Kay Vess to operate.

Kay’s journey takes her through these power vacuums, where she encounters not just the Empire’s foot soldiers but also corrupt officials who are more than willing to look the other way in exchange for a few credits. These interactions highlight the growing disillusionment within the Empire and the desperation of those who see the writing on the wall: the Empire’s days might be numbered.

The Rebellion’s Relentless Push

On the other side of the conflict, the Rebel Alliance is doing everything in its power to destabilize the Empire. They’ve taken bold steps, from blowing up the Death Star to launching daring raids, but they know that victory is far from certain. This makes the Rebels willing to collaborate with less savory elements of the galaxy if it means gaining a strategic advantage.

Kay Vess, while not a Rebel herself, often finds her objectives aligning with those of the Rebellion. Whether through direct cooperation or by inadvertently undermining Imperial operations, her actions contribute to the larger struggle, even if her primary concern is her own survival and profit.

A Golden Age for Crime Syndicates

With the Empire’s focus diverted to the Rebel threat, the galaxy’s criminal syndicates see a golden opportunity to expand their influence. Major players like Jabba the Hutt and the Crimson Dawn are working behind the scenes, manipulating events to solidify their power.

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Jabba the Hutt’s Growing Influence

Jabba the Hutt is perhaps the most notorious crime lord operating during this period. His influence is so significant that even Darth Vader acknowledges it when he allows Boba Fett to deliver Han Solo to Jabba as a trophy. In Star Wars Outlaws, players will see Jabba’s growing power firsthand. The game portrays him as a kingpin unbothered by the Empire’s reach, secure in his dominion over the criminal underworld.

When Kay Vess crosses paths with Jabba, she’ll encounter a figure who is as dangerous as he is powerful. His palace, filled with sycophants and enforcers, serves as a hub for all manner of illegal activities, and Kay must navigate this treacherous environment carefully if she wants to survive.

Faction Lore: Crimson Dawn

The Crimson Dawn’s Return

The Crimson Dawn, a syndicate introduced in Solo: A Star Wars Story, is another major player in Star Wars Outlaws. Led by the enigmatic Dryden Vos and secretly controlled by Darth Maul, the Crimson Dawn had been operating in the shadows, avoiding the Empire’s attention. However, with the Empire distracted, the Crimson Dawn sees an opportunity to rebuild its empire.

Kay Vess becomes entangled in the Crimson Dawn’s plans, working with them as they attempt to reclaim their former glory. The syndicate’s ambitions extend beyond mere survival; they aim to dominate the galaxy’s underworld, toppling rival organizations and establishing themselves as the preeminent criminal power.

Uncharted Territory in the New Canon

One of the most intriguing aspects of Star Wars Outlaws is that it explores a relatively untouched period in the new Star Wars canon. While older Star Wars stories, particularly those from the Legends continuity, have delved into this time frame, Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm led to a reset of the canon, erasing many of these tales.

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Echoes of Shadows of the Empire

Longtime Star Wars fans may notice similarities between Star Wars Outlaws and the classic Shadows of the Empire multimedia project. Released in the mid-1990s, Shadows of the Empire explored the events between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi through a combination of books, comics, and a video game. The story followed Dash Rendar, a smuggler who becomes an unlikely ally of the Rebel Alliance.

While Star Wars Outlaws is a new story within the canon, it’s clear that it draws inspiration from Shadows of the Empire. Kay Vess shares similarities with Dash Rendar, particularly in her status as a rogue operating on the fringes of the law. Both characters find themselves caught in the struggle between the Empire and the Rebellion, albeit for different reasons.

A New Perspective on a Familiar Era

Ultimately, Star Wars Outlaws offers players a fresh perspective on a crucial period in Star Wars history. By focusing on the criminal underworld and the characters who navigate it, the game sheds light on the complexities of a galaxy in turmoil. Kay Vess may not be a Jedi or a Rebel hero, but her story is an essential piece of the larger puzzle that is the Star Wars saga.

As players guide Kay through this dangerous world, they’ll gain a deeper understanding of the forces at play during this pivotal time. Whether it’s dealing with corrupt Imperials, collaborating with the Rebellion, or outmaneuvering crime lords, Star Wars Outlaws promises an adventure that’s as rich in lore as it is in excitement.

So strap in, make sure your blaster is fully charged, and get ready to explore a galaxy where the lines between good and evil are blurrier than ever. May the Force be with you—because in the world of Star Wars Outlaws, you’re going to need it.

If you’re on the fence whether to get the game, go check out our review here.

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