How to Lockpick ► Star Wars: Outlaws

Mastering Lockpicking in Star Wars Outlaws: A Fun Guide for Aspiring Space Rogues

What kind of third-person adventure would Star Wars Outlaws be if it didn’t include lockpicking? I mean, who doesn’t love the thrill of cracking open a stubborn lock in the dead of space? Lockpicking is practically a rite of passage for any would-be outlaw in the galaxy. And let’s be real—how else are you going to get your hands on those juicy loot stashes hidden behind locked doors?

In this guide, we’ll break down the lockpicking mechanics in Star Wars Outlaws and help you become the master thief every scoundrel dreams of being. So, grab your trusty data spike and let’s dive in!

How to Pick Locks in Star Wars Outlaws

Lockpicking in Star Wars Outlaws isn’t just about poking around and hoping for the best. Nope, it’s a full-on rhythm game, and you’ll need to channel your inner musician to crack those locks. Here’s how it works.

Step 1: Interact with the Lock

First, you’ll need to approach the lock and interact with it. This kicks off the lockpicking minigame, where the fun really begins. Your data spike will appear at the center of the screen, surrounded by rotating mechanisms that look like they’ve been ripped straight from a droid assembly line.

Step 2: Watch the Yellow Light

Now, here’s where your rhythmic skills come into play. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see two lights—a yellow one and a blue one. The yellow light is your main focus. It will flash in time with a rhythm, and your job is to match that rhythm by pressing the fire button every time the yellow light pulses. It’s kind of like playing a musical instrument, but instead of making music, you’re unlocking the secrets of the galaxy.

Step 3: Lock It Down

Every time you successfully match the rhythm, the corresponding mechanism will lock into place, and the blue light will flash to confirm your success. It’s like a little pat on the back from the game, saying, “Hey, you got this!”

Step 4: Rinse and Repeat

Once you’ve locked down one part of the mechanism, you’ll move on to the next. Just keep following the rhythm, and before you know it, the lock will be yours to open. Feel free to dance a little victory jig—no one’s watching (except maybe your companion, and they’re probably just impressed).

Mastering Lockpicking in Star Wars Outlaws: A Fun Guide for Aspiring Space Rogues

Pro Tip: Focus on the Rhythm

If you’re finding it tricky to get the timing right, try focusing solely on the yellow light and let it play through a few cycles before you start pressing buttons. Listen to the beat and let the rhythm guide you. It’s almost meditative—well, as meditative as space crime can get. And don’t worry if you miss a beat; the lock doesn’t seem to reset if you mess up, at least not in the early stages. Later in the game? Who knows, it might get tougher, but for now, you’ve got this.

Conclusion: Unlock Your Full Potential

So there you have it—your quick and easy guide to becoming a lockpicking legend in Star Wars Outlaws. Whether you’re cracking open a chest full of credits or sneaking into a restricted area, these skills will serve you well throughout your galactic adventures.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and before long, you’ll be cracking those locks like a pro. And who knows? Maybe one day, you’ll be the one designing impossible-to-crack locks for the next generation of outlaws.

May the rhythm be with you, always.

Want More Tips?

If you’re enjoying the rebellious life, check out our other guides. If you’re on the fence whether to get the game, go check out our review here.

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