What If Palpatine Tried Online Dating?

What If Palpatine Tried Online Dating?

Imagine this: Emperor Palpatine, the sinister mastermind behind the fall of the Jedi and the rise of the Galactic Empire, sitting in his throne room, bored and lonely. Sure, ruling the galaxy is great and all, but it gets lonely at the top. So, what’s a Sith Lord to do? Why, try online dating, of course! Because even the Dark Lord of the Sith needs a little love in his life. Let’s dive into the hilarious world of Palpatine on the hunt for romance and see how things might go down.

Crafting the Perfect Bio: Sith Edition

The first step in online dating is, of course, creating a profile. But how exactly does Emperor Palpatine describe himself in a dating bio? Let’s be real—this is a guy who’s spent most of his life manipulating people and ruling with an iron fist. Flirting? Probably not his strong suit. But hey, everyone has to start somewhere.

Palpatine’s Bio:

Name: Sheev Palpatine (but you can call me “Your Emperor”)

Age: Age is just a number when you’ve mastered the dark side. Let’s just say, I’m experienced.

Height: 5’7″ (with my hood up, 6’0”)

Occupation: Galactic Emperor (previously Senator, Supreme Chancellor—I’ve been around the block)

Interests: Unlimited power, the dark side of the Force, lightning hands, long walks on the Death Star, and overthrowing democracies.

Looking for: A partner in power. Someone who understands the complexities of ruling a galaxy and isn’t afraid of a little Sith lightning. Must appreciate political intrigue and a dramatic cloak.

Fun Fact: I once single-handedly turned a Republic into an Empire. Swipe right if you’re into ambitious guys.

The Swiping Experience: Who Would Swipe Right?

So, who in the galaxy would actually swipe right on Palpatine? Let’s be honest—his profile is… well, it’s something. But love is strange, and there’s someone for everyone, right?

Potential Matches:

  • Asajj Ventress: She’s a former Sith apprentice, so she knows what she’s getting into. Plus, she might appreciate Palpatine’s ambition. They could bond over their shared love of dark side powers and plotting against their enemies.
  • Jabba the Hutt: Not exactly romantic, but you know, Palpatine and Jabba could be a power couple in a way. Jabba’s got the underworld connections, and Palpatine’s got the whole Empire thing going on. It’s a match made in a galaxy of scum and villainy.
  • Darth Maul: Swipe right out of loyalty? Or maybe just because they have a lot in common—like a shared mentor and a penchant for dramatic entrances. Plus, Darth Maul could be into that whole “ruling the galaxy together” thing.
  • Moff Gideon: He’s ambitious, ruthless, and already has experience working under the Empire. Their first date could involve discussing the finer points of weaponizing the Darksaber.

But let’s not forget that there’s a whole galaxy out there, and not everyone would be thrilled at the idea of dating a wrinkly Sith Lord with a questionable laugh and a history of betrayal. Still, you never know who might be into the whole “bad boy” vibe that Palpatine’s got going on.

First Messages: Awkward, Much?

Once Palpatine gets a few matches, the next step is messaging. Now, this is where things could get really awkward, really fast. How does a guy who’s used to barking orders and plotting galactic domination flirt? Let’s take a look at some potential conversations.

Palpatine to Asajj Ventress:

Palpatine: “Greetings, Asajj. I sense great potential in you… for a date. How about we discuss the intricacies of the dark side over dinner? You can bring your lightsabers, but no need to get defensive—yet. 😉”

Asajj: “Only if you promise not to try and replace me with a new apprentice mid-date.”

Palpatine: “No promises. But if you play your cards right, we could rule the galaxy together.”

Palpatine to Jabba the Hutt:

Palpatine: “Greetings, Jabba. I see you have a powerful presence in the Outer Rim. Perhaps we could consolidate our power over a meal. I know a great spot in Mos Eisley—just don’t bring the rancor.”

Jabba: “Ho ho ho! Sounds intriguing. But know this, Emperor—I’m the one who gets the last laugh. Ho ho ho!”

Palpatine to Darth Maul:

Palpatine: “Maul, I sense a connection between us that goes beyond mere apprenticeships. Let’s catch up—perhaps over a nice glass of blue milk?”

Maul: “As long as you don’t try to cut me in half again, I’m in.”

Palpatine to Moff Gideon:

Palpatine: “Moff Gideon, your ambition is impressive. What say we discuss our mutual interests over a drink? Perhaps something… strong. I can offer some pointers on ruling with an iron fist.”

Moff Gideon: “As long as you don’t try to take my Darksaber, I’m interested.”

The First Date: A Recipe for Disaster?

So, let’s say Palpatine manages to secure a date. Where does he go? What does he do? After all, this is a guy who’s spent decades plotting the downfall of the Jedi, not picking out flowers or choosing the right restaurant.

Date Spot #1: Dinner at Dex’s Diner

Imagine Palpatine taking his date to Dex’s Diner on Coruscant. It’s a bit of a dive, but hey, it’s got character. Palpatine could impress his date with stories of his younger days in the Senate while Dex serves up some greasy nerf burgers.

Palpatine: “Did I ever tell you the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise? It’s a great conversation starter.”

Date: “Umm… sure. But maybe after dessert?”

Date Spot #2: A Walk Through the Death Star

For something more intimate, Palpatine might opt for a private tour of the Death Star. It’s a bit unconventional, but hey, when you’re the Emperor, you get to call the shots.

Palpatine: “Over here is the control room. And that’s the reactor core—yes, it’s completely safe. Ignore those thermal exhaust ports, they’re nothing to worry about.”

Date: “So… what happens if someone shoots a torpedo down there?”

Palpatine: “Let’s not focus on hypotheticals, shall we? More importantly, how do you feel about ruling the galaxy by my side?”

Date Spot #3: A Night at the Opera

For the more refined Sith, a night at the Coruscant Opera House could be in order. After all, Palpatine loves a good opera (especially when he’s plotting the downfall of the Jedi during intermission).

Palpatine: “Ah, the arts. Nothing quite like an opera to stir the soul… or to reflect on the fleeting nature of power.”

Date: “Are you sure you’re ready for dating? It seems like you have some unresolved issues.”

The Follow-Up: Ghosting, or Lightning-Fueled Breakups?

Let’s be honest—Palpatine isn’t exactly the type to let someone down gently. If a date doesn’t go well, he’s more likely to ghost them than send a polite follow-up message. And if things go really south, well, the dark side has plenty of ways to ensure there’s no awkward “we need to talk” moment.

Imagine Palpatine sending a breakup message:

Palpatine: “It’s not you, it’s me. But mostly it’s you. I sense a lack of ambition. I’m afraid this relationship is over… unless you reconsider joining the dark side.”

Date: “Are you seriously dumping me with a Sith threat?”

Palpatine: “Consider it a friendly suggestion. Farewell.”

Conclusion: Palpatine’s Dating Journey—A Sith-tastic Disaster

In the end, Palpatine’s foray into online dating would likely be as disastrous as you’d expect from a man who’s spent his life embracing the dark side. Sure, he might get a few matches and even go on some dates, but his sinister nature and obsession with power aren’t exactly the foundations of a healthy relationship.

While Palpatine’s attempts to find love would no doubt provide endless entertainment (and maybe even a few heart-pounding moments for his dates), it’s clear that some people are just better off ruling the galaxy solo. So, if you ever find yourself swiping through profiles and see “Sheev Palpatine” pop up, just remember—you might be in for more than you bargained for. And whatever you do, don’t mention the exhaust port.

Novara Skuara

When I was 7, I saw Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters a week after it opened. My parents were nice enough to take me and I have been a fan of Star Wars and almost all science fiction in general. I am an amateur writer who has been published for contributing flavor text to a RP game. I also have a copyright on a novel I hope to be able to publish sometime soon.