What Would Happen If Emperor Palpatine Entered the World Between Worlds?

What Would Happen If Emperor Palpatine Entered the World Between Worlds?

Imagine, if you will, the fabric of the Star Wars universe at the fingertips of its most infamous Sith Lord, Emperor Palpatine. What might unfold if he entered the enigmatic World Between Worlds? This dimension, a pathway to all moments in time, presents unlimited opportunities for manipulation, mayhem, and the meticulous orchestration of galactic events to favor the dark side. Let’s delve into this fascinating “what if” scenario, examining the potential impacts on the Star Wars saga and its beloved characters.

Understanding the World Between Worlds

The World Between Worlds is a pivotal concept introduced in Star Wars Rebels. It functions as a collection of portals or pathways that connect all moments in time and space. This mystical plane allows one to alter or observe past and future events, a powerful tool that could change the course of history itself.

Emperor Palpatine’s Ambition for the World Between Worlds

Palpatine, ever the strategist and power seeker, has shown a keen interest in this dimension. His obsession with controlling not just the physical galaxy but also the very timeline itself poses a chilling prospect. Imagine Palpatine rewriting the rise and fall of the Sith, the Jedi’s legacy, and even his own defeats to create a universe where the Sith rule unchallenged.

Emperor Palpatine’s Ambition for the World Between Worlds

The Hypothetical Scenario: Palpatine’s Entry

What if, through some twist of fate or a lapse in vigilance by Ezra Bridger, Palpatine gained access to this cosmic web? The ramifications could be vast and varied:

Immediate Changes

  • Erasing Defeats: Palpatine could start by erasing his most pivotal defeats. The Battle of Endor? It ended differently now. Yavin IV? The Death Star’s superlaser was a success.
  • Preventing Rivals: Potential threats like Luke Skywalker or Leia Organa could be subtly redirected away from paths that lead to rebellion leadership.

Long-Term Strategic Adjustments

  • Rise of New Sith: Palpatine might ensure the rise of other powerful Sith, creating a dynasty that could rule for millennia.
  • Sith Ideology as Doctrine: Imagine a galaxy where Sith philosophy is taught from childhood, shaping societies around dark side principles.

The Consequences of Tampering With Time

Manipulating time might sound like a perfect solution for a power-hungry Emperor, but it comes with its own set of challenges and unintended consequences. Paradoxes could arise; for instance, by changing key events, Palpatine could accidentally erase his own rise to power or create new enemies worse than the Rebellion.

The Role of the Resistance

Even with Palpatine’s manipulation of the timeline, the spirit of resistance and the Force’s own balancing act might still conjure heroes to stand against the darkness. Figures like Ezra Bridger, who has already interfered with Palpatine’s plans before, could emerge as wild cards, finding new ways to restore balance.

Theoretical Implications on the Star Wars Universe

Theoretical Implications on the Star Wars Universe

This scenario invites fans to reimagine the Star Wars narrative:

  • Alternate Storylines: Entirely new films, series, and books could explore these alternate realities.
  • Fan Theories and Discussions: The community would undoubtedly thrive on speculating and creating fan-driven content around these what-ifs.


What is the World Between Worlds? The World Between Worlds is a metaphysical dimension seen in Star Wars Rebels that connects time and space, allowing one to alter or observe events across the timeline.

Why would Palpatine want access to the World Between Worlds? Palpatine’s primary goal has always been absolute control. Access to the World Between Worlds would allow him to manipulate the entire history of the galaxy to ensure the Sith’s ultimate victory and his eternal rule.

Could Palpatine really change major events in the Star Wars timeline? Hypothetically, yes. If Palpatine gained access to the World Between Worlds, he could attempt to rewrite events to favor the Sith, although doing so could lead to unpredictable and potentially catastrophic results.


While purely speculative, the idea of Emperor Palpatine entering the World Between Worlds opens up a treasure trove of narrative possibilities. It challenges us to consider the implications of time travel within the Star Wars universe and invites us to explore the darker corners of “what could have been.” This thought experiment not only enriches the lore but also sparks the imaginations of fans worldwide, reminding us of the enduring power and intrigue of the Star Wars saga.