EA Reveals Performance Targets For Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One

EA Reveals Performance Targets For Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One

Surprise! If you thought Star Wars Jedi: Survivor was exclusively for the current-gen consoles, think again. EA has officially announced that the game will be launching on Xbox One next week, on September 17, 2024, marking a return to last-gen consoles nearly four years into the new console generation. But the big question is—how will the game run on Xbox One?

In this article, we’ll break down the performance targets for the various last-gen consoles and what players can expect when they dive into the galaxy far, far away.

Performance Targets: The Specs Breakdown

So, let’s get right into it. We now know the performance targets for Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One, and while it’s not quite the high-fidelity experience you’ll get on Xbox Series X|S or PS5, EA has aimed to give last-gen players a stable experience. Here’s how the performance looks across the board:

  • Xbox One X: 1440p at 30FPS
  • PS4 Pro: 1080p at 30FPS
  • PS4: 900p at 30FPS
  • Xbox One: 720p at 30FPS

Yes, you read that right. On base Xbox One, the game will run at 720p at 30 frames per second. For Xbox One X owners, you’ll see a bump in resolution to 1440p, though still locked at 30FPS. This aligns with what many fans expected—improved visuals for the Xbox One X but with limitations on the base Xbox One model.

Xbox One X: The Best of the Bunch

Let’s start with the Xbox One X, which is, predictably, the top performer among last-gen consoles. While the game won’t reach the buttery-smooth 60FPS or 4K resolutions of the current generation, Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One X will still look impressive with its 1440p at 30FPS performance target.

For a game that’s designed to take full advantage of next-gen hardware, this is about as good as it gets on last-gen consoles. Players can expect reasonably crisp visuals and a more immersive experience compared to those playing on the base Xbox One.

Xbox One: A Galaxy of Compromises

Now for the Xbox One, which understandably comes with the most significant compromises. Running the game at 720p at 30FPS, it’s clear that EA had to make some serious adjustments to ensure the game runs smoothly on the older hardware.

While 720p might seem like a step back in a world of 4K displays, it’s important to remember that this version of Jedi: Survivor is designed to be accessible to a broader audience, particularly those who haven’t upgraded to the newer consoles yet. Yes, it’s not going to look nearly as sharp as it will on Xbox One X or the Xbox Series X|S, but if you’re still rocking the base Xbox One, it’s nice to see that you’re not being left out entirely.

That being said, the real test will be how well the game performs in terms of stability. Will the Xbox One version manage to keep a consistent 30FPS during intense lightsaber battles or when exploring vast, detailed environments like Coruscant and Jedha? Only time will tell, but given the hardware limitations, players may want to temper their expectations.

The Decision to Launch on Last-Gen Consoles

It’s interesting that EA and Respawn Entertainment have chosen to release Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One and PS4 at all, considering how far we are into the current generation. By now, most major releases are focusing on optimizing for Xbox Series X|S and PS5, so why bother with the last-gen versions?

The answer likely comes down to market size. While the current-gen consoles have seen great success, there’s still a massive base of players who haven’t yet upgraded. With the continued shortage of next-gen consoles and the price point barrier for some gamers, last-gen consoles remain a viable market for game developers.

EA likely sees an opportunity here, knowing that many fans of the Star Wars franchise are still using their older consoles. After all, not every gamer feels the need to rush into the next-gen pool, especially when games like Jedi: Survivor are still being made accessible for last-gen platforms.

How Stable Will the Frame Rates Be?

One of the biggest questions players have is how stable the frame rates will be on these last-gen consoles, particularly on the base Xbox One and PS4. While EA has confirmed performance targets of 30FPS across the board, we won’t know for sure how well the game holds up until it’s in players’ hands.

We’ve seen a bit of b-roll footage from the PS4 Pro version, and it’s shaping up nicely, suggesting that the last-gen ports won’t be a complete downgrade. However, games as visually ambitious as Jedi: Survivor often struggle to maintain stable frame rates on older consoles, especially during high-action sequences or in expansive open-world settings.

Is It Worth Playing on Last-Gen?

If you’re an avid Star Wars fan who hasn’t upgraded to an Xbox Series X or PS5, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on Xbox One or PS4 is still a solid option. The game’s storyline, immersive world, and exciting combat remain intact across all platforms, so you won’t miss out on the heart of the adventure. That said, if you’re looking for a visually stunning experience with high frame rates, it might be worth holding off until you can get your hands on a current-gen console.

But for those who are simply looking to enjoy a Star Wars adventure without needing top-tier visuals, the last-gen versions should do just fine.

Conclusion: A Compromise, But Still an Adventure

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor making its way to Xbox One and PS4 is both a surprise and a strategic move by EA. While the game’s performance on last-gen consoles comes with some compromises—particularly on the base Xbox One—the fact that the game is being ported at all speaks to the company’s dedication to its player base.

For Xbox One X owners, the jump to 1440p at 30FPS will still deliver a visually compelling experience, while base Xbox One users will need to settle for 720p. But in the end, it’s all about the Force—and as long as the story and gameplay remain strong, Star Wars fans on all platforms will likely find something to enjoy.

Mark your calendars for September 17, 2024, and may the Force be with you as you explore the galaxy, whether in HD or otherwise.