The Controversy in the SWG Restoration Community: What’s Really Going On?

The Pros and Cons of Playing on the Star Wars Galaxies Restoration Server

If you’re a Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) fan on the hunt for the perfect server to relive the glory days, you may have stumbled across the Restoration Server. While it offers a mix of pre-CU and NGE elements in a hybrid experience, it’s not without its ups and downs. Let’s break down some of the main pros and cons of this server based on feedback from a recent post shared by a player who spent around 50 hours on it.

The Pros: Why Some Players Enjoy the Restoration Server

  1. Hybrid Pre-CU/NGE Experience If you’re someone who doesn’t care about playing as a Jedi, Restoration might be your cup of tea. It offers a unique blend of Pre-CU and NGE systems, which is great for those who appreciate the best of both worlds. Players who aren’t tied to nostalgia for one specific version of SWG may find this hybrid approach refreshing.
  2. 5x Experience Boost Like many SWG servers these days, Restoration offers a generous 5x XP gain, making leveling a much faster process than in the original game. This feature is appealing if you’re looking to speed through the grind and enjoy more content without sinking hundreds of hours into leveling up your character.
  3. Low but Functional Player Base Although the server population is lower than others, it still has enough active players to keep things moving. If you’re not aiming for large-scale player interactions and prefer a smaller, tight-knit community, you might find the smaller population manageable.

The Cons: Major Drawbacks of the Restoration Server

  1. Jedi Unlock System: RNG and Favoritism One of the most significant drawbacks, especially for those wanting to play as a Jedi, is the absurdly difficult and borderline impossible Jedi unlock system. The server’s Jedi mechanic is based on random number generation (RNG), and the odds are jaw-droppingly low—think 100 million to one.The server doesn’t clearly communicate this issue on their website, and many players have spent years trying to unlock Jedi without success. What makes this worse is the suspicion of favoritism. Players with high Discord statuses or close ties to the admins seem to unlock Jedi faster, creating a sense of unfairness among the broader player base.
  2. Daily Login Grind If the RNG wasn’t bad enough, the alternative method for unlocking Jedi is a grueling 10-month daily login grind. Yes, you read that right—10 months. Players are required to log in every day for this extended period just to have a chance at playing a Jedi. It’s a heavy time investment for what should be a fun gaming experience, and this method has frustrated many players.
  3. Toxic Admin Community Another significant issue with the Restoration server is the toxic behavior of some of the admins and developers. Based on feedback from the player who shared their experience, the devs don’t take kindly to feedback or suggestions. There’s a real sense of hostility toward players who raise concerns, and admins have been known to lash out inappropriately at players who question the mechanics or suggest improvements.The lack of transparency and aggressive behavior from the dev team only fuels the perception that the server is catered to the admins and their close friends, especially in terms of the overpowered nature of Jedi characters.
  4. Economy and Inflation Issues The small player base also affects the in-game economy. With fewer players trading, prices for items and gear are often inflated, making it difficult for new players to gear up without spending hours grinding for credits. The 5x XP gain may speed up leveling, but without enough credits to buy decent gear, it can feel like you’re hitting a wall once you reach higher levels.

Is Restoration Server Right for You?

If you have zero interest in playing a Jedi and just want to experience a Pre-CU/NGE hybrid, you might find Restoration worth your time. The 5x XP gain allows for faster leveling, and while the player base is small, it’s not impossible to find people to team up with for missions or social gameplay.

However, if you’re someone who dreams of becoming a Jedi or is looking for a well-balanced server with active, friendly developers, Restoration might not be the best fit. The punishing Jedi unlock system, combined with the high level of RNG and alleged favoritism, can make it feel like the game is stacked against you. And if you don’t have the stomach for toxic admin behavior or inflated prices, it could lead to more frustration than fun.

SWG Restoration: What’s Next for the Beloved Star Wars Galaxies Revival?

Final Verdict

Restoration offers a unique experience for players who don’t mind a smaller server with a blend of SWG’s Pre-CU and NGE systems. However, the overwhelming difficulty in unlocking Jedi, coupled with a toxic developer community and inflated in-game economy, make it a challenging server to enjoy fully.

So, if you’re okay with playing non-Jedi classes and can overlook some of these glaring issues, Restoration could be an option. But if you’re looking for a more balanced and fair experience—especially if Jedi is your endgame goal—you might want to look elsewhere. The choice is yours, but as the player wisely said, be aware before diving in.