SWGOH Fleet Arena Update: Punishing One vs. Leviathan and Upcoming TIE Dagger Buffs

SWGOH Fleet Arena Update: Punishing One vs. Leviathan and Upcoming TIE Dagger Buffs

In the latest Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH) update, the battle dynamics between Executor and Leviathan fleets in Fleet Arena have sparked some adjustments. While most Executor fleets struggle against Leviathan as expected, one specific Executor fleet has been overperforming against a particular Leviathan build. Here’s the twist: that Leviathan setup is also the best option for a Leviathan mirror match, leading to some unexpected challenges for players.

Why Not Nerf Punishing One Directly?

The Punishing One is performing well across most match-ups, so the devs are leaving it untouched. Instead, they’re focusing on the role of the TIE Dagger in these battles. The idea is to make TIE Dagger a better fit in Leviathan mirror matches, which are common in Fleet Arena, while still keeping it a viable counter to the Punishing One in Executor fleets.

Buffing the TIE Dagger: What to Expect

To balance things out, the TIE Dagger will receive buffs, making it the go-to choice for Leviathan owners in mirror matches while ensuring it holds its ground against Executor/Punishing One fleets. This tweak aims to bring Leviathan fleets back to expected win rates against other Leviathans, without tilting the balance too much in other matchups.

When Will the Changes Arrive?

The update for the TIE Dagger is in the works, but its release depends on multiple factors. The development team is committed to rolling out the changes as soon as possible, ensuring that Fleet Arena remains competitive and fun for all players.

Final Thoughts: What This Means for Fleet Arena

This update means a shift in the Fleet Arena meta, especially for those running Leviathan fleets. If you’re an Executor fan, keep an eye on how these changes affect your matchups. For Leviathan owners, the TIE Dagger’s new role could provide the edge you’ve been looking for in those tough mirror matches.

Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to adjust your fleet strategy. May the best fleet win!

For more details, check out the official post here.

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