Bad Luck Protection Arrives in SWTOR: Guaranteed Drops Are Finally Here

When it comes to loot in Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR), there’s one universal truth: the RNG gods can be merciless. But despair no more! In patch 7.6d, the developers are introducing a new system aimed at reducing that frustrating “Curse of Bad Luck”. Yes, guaranteed drops are officially making their way into the game. Let’s dive into the details and see what’s coming your way.

What Is Bad Luck Protection in SWTOR?

The Bad Luck Prevention system is a clever new feature that tracks your loot attempts on certain items. Here’s how it works:

Every time you collect loot from a specific source, the system checks whether you received one of the “protected” items (a fancy way of saying the really rare stuff you’re after). If not, the system quietly counts your attempt. Once you’ve reached a predetermined number of tries, voilà—you’re guaranteed to get the item. It’s like RNG with a safety net.

Where Will This System Be Used?

Don’t expect this magic to apply to every piece of loot across the galaxy. For now, Bad Luck Prevention will be rolled out to augment schematics from the Relentless Replication Lair Boss. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Story Mode: Players are guaranteed an augment schematic drop if they don’t receive one after 12 runs.
  • Veteran Mode: Players will get their guaranteed schematic after 7 runs without a drop.

The regular drop chances for augment schematics remain unchanged, so many players might get lucky before hitting these limits. However, for those cursed by RNG, these thresholds provide a glimmer of hope.

How Does It Work Across Different Modes?

Each mode’s Bad Luck Prevention counter is tracked separately. For instance, if you’ve done 10 runs in Story Mode without a drop, your Veteran Mode counter remains unaffected. The system ensures that your progress in one mode doesn’t interfere with the other.

Is It Per Character or Account-Wide?

Here’s the catch: the Bad Luck Prevention system is tracked per character, not per account. Each of your SWTOR characters will have their own separate counters for loot attempts. While this adds a layer of individuality, it’s worth noting for those who juggle multiple alts.

Does the Counter Reset?

Yes! The tracking counter resets as soon as you receive the protected item—whether it’s from a natural drop or hitting the guaranteed threshold. That means the next time you face the boss, the system starts fresh. So, if you were hoping for back-to-back guaranteed loot, think again.

Why Only Specific Items?

Bad Luck Prevention isn’t being implemented universally… yet. The developers have opted for a focused rollout with augment schematics first. This measured approach allows them to monitor the system’s performance and gather player feedback. Over time, we could see the system expand to other rare loot in Operations, Flashpoints, and beyond.

For now, though, the focus remains on ensuring key drops feel attainable—no matter how unlucky you’ve been.

What’s the Bigger Picture?

This update signals a significant quality-of-life improvement in SWTOR. For years, players have lamented those endless farming sessions where luck never seemed to favor them. By introducing Bad Luck Protection, the developers are taking steps to make loot chasing a little less infuriating and a lot more rewarding.

It’s also worth noting that this isn’t just about handing out loot—it’s about creating a fairer, more balanced experience. With a system like this, players have a reason to stick with challenging content, knowing their efforts will eventually pay off.


SWTOR’s Bad Luck Prevention system is a breath of fresh air for anyone who’s spent far too many hours farming the same boss with nothing to show for it. By guaranteeing key drops after a certain number of attempts, the game is paving the way for a more enjoyable and less frustrating loot grind. While the system’s scope is limited for now, its potential to expand makes it an exciting addition to the game’s future.

So gear up, prepare your squad, and dive into the Relentless Replication Lair—because your next augment schematic is closer than ever. Luck may still play a role, but at least now you’ve got a backup plan.

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