The False Emperor

Flashpoints of SWTOR: The False Emperor

The False Emperor

The False Emperor flashpoint is a level 50 group content that can be found in the Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) game. It is set in the game’s version of the Star Wars universe, approximately 3,641 years before the rise of the Galactic Empire and follows the story of the player’s character as they join forces with the Republic to defeat the Sith Emperor, who has seized control of the galaxy. To start the flashpoint, players must have access to the Forged Alliances storyline and have completed the “The Price of Power” mission. The flashpoint can be initiated by speaking with Satele Shan, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, who can be found in the Jedi Temple on the planet of Coruscant. The False Emperor flashpoint consists of four main bosses and several trash mobs. The first boss, High Councilor Dar’Nala, is a Sith Lord who was once…

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Flashpoint Guide: The False Emperor

Flashpoint Guide: The False Emperor

The Battle of Ilum has ended and the threat is gone but a new battle is on the way. You’ve learned of the splinter faction leader’s location aboard the stolen Sith Battlecruiser and your squad must fight your way onto the ship. However, this is not going to be an easy task. The Battlecruiser has an army of battle droids ready to go to any length to defend their leader all in the name of the new Empire. The environment on the Battlecruiser is a very unstable one where you’ll go up against 6 bosses. It’s recommended that all of your squad members are at least a level 50 because some of these battles are going to be tough. Tregg the Destroyer The first boss is Tregg the Destroyer and he has two MoBs with him. It’s easier to take out the two MoBs if the tank pulls Tregg into…

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