“This was the formal weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. More skill than simple sight was required for its use. An elegant weapon. It was a symbol as well. Anyone can use a blaster or a fusioncutter—but to use a lightsaber well was a mark of someone a cut above the ordinary.” -― Obi-Wan Kenobi Can we be Jedi yet? The Force is with Dr. Kaku as he explains whether Humanity will ever wield the Lightsaber:
Science of Star Wars
Star Wars Rarities: The Legacy Revealed
Thirty years ago, an unheralded film known as Star Wars opened in theaters and took audiences on a groundbreaking journey to a galaxy far, far away. It instantly seized the public’s imagination, and three decades later still claims that grasp. Through interviews with politicians, academics, journalists and critics — all of whom weigh in on the enduring appeal of George Lucas’s creations — the special demonstrates that Star Wars isn’t just a high-action adventure in space. It’s a remarkably complex and sophisticated story about power, politics, sin, spirituality and redemption–almost Shakespearean in its power, humor, presentation and influence. The special makes the argument that Star Wars‘ intensely compelling stories — borrowed from diverse traditions, from Greek mythology and American westerns to the Bible and even Vaudeville — compel us to explore some of the biggest questions of our time. Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed explores that view through interviews with…
Science of Star Wars Wars: Space Cowboys
How soon will we all be driving our own hovercrafts to work? Various vehicles that use air as a cushion to glide over ground or water are still in prototype stages. HyWire cars (hydrogen and by wire) that use a skateboard chassis are here today, complete with technology that allows the car to “sense” traffic patterns or danger ahead. Electromagnetic force charges a train that can go faster than 250 miles per hour without touching the track. What will be the new hot rods of the future? And will they have gonzo paint schemes? Hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2.
Science of Star Wars: Weapons, and the Force
We haven’t yet made a clone army, but we’re getting there. From the Future Force Warrior, FFW-Army, to the Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton, BLEEX, we are equipping our fighters with clone trooper-like gear. Laser blasters being tested by the U.S. military are directed-energy weapons that use a laser beam to send an electric charge to the object of our disaffections. If that doesn’t do the job, the Close Quarters Shock Rifle projects ionized gas or plasma at the subject, neutralizing a whole group of mobile attackers and killing their electronic ignition getaway systems at the same time. Hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2.
Science of Star Wars: Man and Machine
Droids, bots, and artificial intelligence — coming soon to rule the world. Right now, robots can clean the house, walk the dog, and identify lifesigns in the rubble of an earthquake. Soon, droids will replace astronauts on dangerous spacewalks and may even act as flying astromech droids to people living in space. How soon will it be before your mother has an unmanned drone to figure out what you’re doing all day? Forget about Big Brother — can the school principal use probe droids to patrol the hallways? Hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2.