Jedi Consular are the last to get some attention from BioWare, with the last Developer Update of the week, focusing on class changes. As always Senior Designer, Austin Peckenpaugh continues his work, giving us an update on class changes that comes with Rise of the Hutt cartel. Check it out below, and if you haven’t already done so, check out the other class updates posted this week: Smuggler Class Changes in RotHC Imperial Agent Class Changes in RotHC Jedi Knight Class Changes in RotHC Sith Warrior Class Changes in RotHC Trooper Class Changes in RotHC Bounty Hunter Class Changes in RotHC Sith Inquisitor Class Changes in RotHC Hello everyone. My name is Austin Peckenpaugh, and I’m a Senior Designer on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, responsible for class design and combat systems. As such, I’m here to shed some light on the changes to the Jedi Consular class in Game Update 2.0. We’ll be writing…