Here is a pretty good fan film that I have been waiting for for a while. It named “Hunt for the Holocron” and is directed by Martin Spitznagel. The movie is made by a dedicated group of young people entirely with practical effects — no 3D models were used in the film, only real models filmed against a greenscreen! — the film is a 30-minute love letter to Star Wars, complete with an original orchestral score. Read more about the movie here, and check it out below: HUNT FOR THE HOLOCRON is the story of Bando (Mark August Spitznagel, SAG-AFTRA) and Sahn (Dan Clavey) Jinkuru, young men thrown into a dangerous world when they find a Holocron, a record of Jedi secrets. Pursued by Dark Jedi Dregr Jarrat (Martin Spitznagel), whose thirst for the Holocron has reached obsession, the boys are aided by Jedi E’Din Kyle (David Turka) and smuggler…
MTSBWY: Star Wars Elevator Prank
In a place far, far away in London, two guys played a prank on unsuspecting elevator passengers. The trick? Using “the force” to keep the doors from closing. With a wave of a hand, the closing elevator doors opened back up. It was easier prank than you think. Check it out below: