Fan Art: Szoki’s Princess Leia Trilogy

Today sees the discovery (via GeekTyrant) of more excellent fan art, this time by a Hungarian artist called Szoki (whose Behance page features all of his Star Wars related work), who has created a Princess Leia themed triptych of posters for the original Star Wars trilogy.

You should all now by know that I’m something of a fan-made/alternative poster junkie, and it’s little discoveries like this one that make my geeky heart beat faster. If it was possible, I’d buy pretty much all of this guy’s work, though at the minute he seems to only be posting it for his own personal enjoyment, which is fair enough – but what about the addicts like me who want to immediately own a print?! Someone give him the power to sell.

Feast your eyes on these…

Szoki is obviously a man of some talent, and I’d urge everyone to visit his page to express exactly how you feel about his work.