Jedi Consular Shadow Leveling Build – Use This And RACE To Level 50!

We Got another build for you today courteous of

This build also includes full rotations so you will pack a punch when using the Jedi Shadow. This is a leveling build (PVE) and is more geared towards DPS…

Jedi Consular Shadow Leveling Build

Here is a quick run through of the point allocation: 

  • Level 10 – Shadow’s Respite (1/2)
  • Level 11 – Shadow’s Respite (2/2)
  • Level 12 – Infiltration Tactics (1/3)
  • Level 13 – Infiltration Tactics (2/3)
  • Level 14 – Infiltration Tactics (3/3)
  • Level 15 – Misdirection (1/3)
  • Level 16 – Misdirection (2/3)
  • Level 17 – Misdirection (3/3)
  • Level 18 – Security Breach (1/2)
  • Level 19 – Security Breach (2/2)
  • Level 20 – Shadow Technique (1/1)
  • Level 21 – Vigor (1/1)
  • Level 22 – Circling Shadows (1/2)
  • Level 23 – Circling Shadows (2/2)
  • Level 24 – Masked Assault (1/1)
  • Level 25 – Profundity (1/3)
  • Level 26 – Profundity (2/3)
  • Level 27 – Profundity (3/3)
  • Level 28 – Fade (1/2)
  • Level 29 – Fade (2/2)
  • Level 30 – Low Slash (1/1)
  • Level 31 – Exit Strategy (1/2)
  • Level 32 – Exit Strategy (2/2)
  • Level 33 – Situational Awareness (1/2)
  • Level 34 – Situational Awareness (2/2)
  • Level 35 – Deep Impact (1/5)
  • Level 36 – Deep Impact (2/5)
  • Level 37 – Deep Impact (3/5)
  • Level 38 – Deep Impact (4/5)
  • Level 39 – Deep Impact (5/5)
  • Level 40 – Clairvoyant Strike (1/1)
  • Level 41 – Force Synergy (1/3)
  • Level 42 – Force Synergy (2/3)
  • Level 43 – Force Synergy (3/3)
  • Level 44 – Jedi Resistance (1/2)
  • Level 45 – Jedi Resistance (2/2)
  • Level 46 – Upheaval (1/3)
  • Level 47 – Upheaval (2/3)
  • Level 48 – Upheaval (3/3)
  • Level 49 – Psychokinesis (1/2)
  • Level 50 – Psychokinesis (2/2)

Here are the correct rotations to use: Technique used:

Force Technique until you receive Shadow Technique Companion used: Qyzen (Melee Tank) Starting out, you’re going to have limited options for DPSing.

As such, the rotation you will be using early on is: Shadow Strike > Force Breach > Double Strike > Saber Strike You will get a skill from your talent tree, at 30.

The rotation once you receive that is: Shadow Strike > Low Slash > Force Breach > Project > Double Strike > Saber Strike And finally, you will receive Clairvoyant Strike at 40.

Your rotation/priority system should look like this: Shadow Strike > Low Slash > Force Breach > Project > Clairvoyant Strike > Saber Strike

Of course if you want a full set of leveling builds for all classes and PVP builds with video guides check out

P.S The leveling guide is not too shabby either! 🙂