5 Steps to Take When a Doctor Won’t Recommend Medical Marijuana

If you’re one of the millions of people who suffer from chronic pain, you may have gone to your doctor to ask about medical marijuana as a treatment option. And if your doctor refused to recommend it, you may be feeling frustrated and confused. 

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many people are finding that traditional medicine doesn’t work for them, and they turn to medical marijuana as an alternative treatment. In this article, we will outline five steps that you can take when your doctor won’t recommend medical marijuana.

  1. Do your own research

The first step that you should take when your doctor won’t recommend medical marijuana is to do your own research. There is a lot of information out there about the benefits of medical marijuana, and you may find that it is the right treatment option for you.

  1. Find a doctor who will recommend medical marijuana

You’ve done your research and you’re ready to give medical marijuana a try. But before you can start using cannabis as medicine, you need to find a doctor who is willing to recommend it. 

This can seem like a daunting task, but there are actually a few easy ways to go about it. Start by checking with your regular physician. They may be open to the idea of medical marijuana and can provide a referral. 

If not, there are many doctors who specialize in cannabis medicine and who are more likely to be open to its use. You can search for these doctors online or ask at your local dispensary

Once you’ve found a doctor who is willing to recommend medical marijuana, you’re one step closer to using this healing plant as medicine.

  1. Get a Medical Marijuana card

Getting a medical marijuana card is the next step towards improving your health and quality of life. There are a few things you’ll need to do in order to get the process started.

First, you’ll need to find a qualified physician who is registered with the state medical marijuana program. Once you have found a doctor, you’ll need to schedule an appointment and bring any relevant medical records with you. 

During your appointment, the doctor will assess your condition and determine whether or not medical marijuana is right for you. If they determine that it is, they will fill out the necessary paperwork and send it to the state. Once your application is approved, you will be able to pick up your card and be ready to purchase medicine!

  1. Choose the right strain

Now that you have your medical marijuana card, it’s time to choose the right strain. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. But don’t worry, we’re here to help!

You’ll need to decide what type of effect you’re looking forAre you looking for something strong and relaxing to help with pain relief, such as Gelato 41 strain? Or would you like something gentler for you to microdose throughout the day? To learn more about microdosing, check out this article on Veriheal. 

Once you’ve decided what you’re looking for, you can start to narrow down your options. If you’re not sure where to start, you can always ask your dispensary budtender for help. 

They will be able to recommend strains based on your desired effect and can even help you choose based on your specific medical condition.

  1. Find a dispensary and make your purchase

Before you can start reaping the benefits of cannabis, you need to find a dispensary. Check out an online directory like Veriheal. 

Online directories will show you all the dispensaries in your area, as well as reviews from other customers. This is a great way to get an idea of which dispensaries are popular and which ones to avoid.

Next, ask your friends if they have any recommendations. Chances are, someone you know has already been to a dispensary and can tell you about their experience.

Once you’ve found a few dispensaries that look promising, give them a call and ask about their products and prices. This will help you narrow down your choices and find the perfect place for you and your tastes!


There you have it! These are just a few simple steps to follow when you’re looking for a doctor to recommend medical marijuana. With a little bit of research, you’re sure to find the perfect strain for your needs. And before you know it, you’ll be on your way to enjoying the many benefits of this healing plant!