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SWTOR’s New Cartel Market Additions Inspired by The Acolyte: Game Update 7.5b

Exciting news for SWTOR players! Game Update 7.5b has brought an array of new items to the Cartel Market, inspired by the upcoming series, The Acolyte. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your character’s appearance or equip them with the latest weapons and armor, this update has something for everyone.

SWTOR Appearance Options: Devoted Disciple

Devoted Disciple Appearance Customization

Players can now customize their characters with the Devoted Disciple appearance options, which include new headpieces such as the Devoted Disciple Hood and a version with hair. These customizations are perfect for those looking to align their character’s look with the aesthetic of The Acolyte.

SWTOR Headpieces pictured above: Devoted Disciple Hood and Devoted Disciple Hood with hair
(Headpieces pictured above: Devoted Disciple Hood and Devoted Disciple Hood with hair)

New Armors

The highlight of this update is the Devoted Disciple Armor Set. This set provides a sleek, mystic look that fans of the dark side will appreciate. The armor is designed to be both functional and visually striking, ensuring that your character stands out on the battlefield.

SWTOR Devoted Disciple Lightsaber
Devoted Disciple Lightsaber

New Weapons

Accompanying the new armor, the update introduces the Devoted Disciple Lightsaber and Dualsaber. These weapons are not only powerful but also visually complement the Devoted Disciple Armor Set, creating a cohesive and intimidating look for your character.

SWTOR Devoted Disciple Dualsaber
Devoted Disciple Dualsaber


What is the Cartel Market? The Cartel Market is SWTOR’s in-game store where players can purchase items using Cartel Coins. It features a variety of items, including cosmetic upgrades, armor sets, weapons, and more.

How do I access the new items? The new items from Game Update 7.5b can be accessed through the Cartel Market interface in-game. Simply navigate to the market and browse the latest additions.

Are these items available for all classes? Yes, the Devoted Disciple appearance options, armor, and weapons are designed to be compatible with all classes, allowing any player to customize their character with these new items.

How can I get Cartel Coins? Cartel Coins can be purchased with real money through the SWTOR website or earned through various in-game achievements and subscriptions.

Will these items be available permanently? While many items in the Cartel Market are available for extended periods, some may be limited-time offers. It’s best to check the market regularly and purchase desired items as soon as possible.

Are there any special bonuses for purchasing these items? While the primary appeal of these items is their aesthetic and customization options, owning complete sets like the Devoted Disciple Armor and weapons can provide a unified look that enhances the overall gameplay experience.

Can I trade these items with other players? Items purchased from the Cartel Market can often be traded with other players, but it’s essential to check the specific item’s trade status in the game.

What inspired the Devoted Disciple set? The Devoted Disciple set is inspired by The Acolyte, a new series that delves into the darker aspects of the Star Wars universe. The set’s design reflects the mysterious and powerful nature of characters from this upcoming show.


Game Update 7.5b has enriched SWTOR with exciting new items that allow players to further personalize their characters. The Devoted Disciple appearance customizations, armor, and weapons bring a fresh and inspired look to the game, perfect for those eager to embrace the dark side. Don’t miss out on these fantastic additions—head to the Cartel Market and enhance your SWTOR experience today!