Casino Games in the Star Wars World

The movie franchise Star Wars is a people’s favorite for a reason. Fans are now accustomed to the film’s culture, adapting factors like costumes and imitating stars like Wado, Darth Vader, Han Solo, and Obi-Wan-Kenobi. Similarly, Star Wars has inspired the introduction of casino games, attracting franchise fans to engage in gambling. 

In this article, we’ll review casino games affiliated with the Star Wars World, where you can find and play them. Whether you’re a Darth Vader fan or a general fan of the movie, keep reading to discover casino games in the Star Wars World. 


Pazzak start is the first game on the list. It is a numbers game where a player should aim to get close to 20. There’s a catch, however; you win if you accumulate the specific digit three times.

Like Betway’s Online Casino card games, Pazzak involves a wide range of cards, such as the main deck, side deck, flop, plus, minus, double, and tiebreaker cards. Additionally, there is a specific card called the plus-minus card. 


Dejarik is another game featured in Star Wars where we observed the character Saw Gerrera’s play in the Partisan base. The game is similar to chess, thus named Space Chess or Holochess.

Played on a hologram, it replicates the movie’s technology, making it an exciting gameplay. It uses holomasters instead of chess elements like pawns, Kings, and Queens. 


Sabbac is amongst the most popular versions in the franchise. It is a card game with relatively complex rules and strategies. Participants bet on their hand, and the combination of cards determines the winner. 

The game is usually played with a standard deck of cards or with a special Sabacc deck. This is seen when Han Solo enjoys the game with Lando Calrissian. Interestingly, they play for the ‘Millennium Falcon.’ 

Chance Cubes

Chance Cubes appear in multiple Star Wars scenes, where actors use painted cubes to compete. Only three sides of the cubes are painted in one color (mostly red and blue), while the other six are in varying shades. However, various chance cubes have different patterns.

Some movie scenes involving the games include Sphere of Influence, Old Republic, Rite of Passage, and Jedi Twilight. 


This is a dice game that is similar to the earth game of craps. Players bet on the outcome of a dice roll, and the combination of numbers determines the winner. Dicesare is a fast-paced game that can be quite exciting. 

X-wing Racing

X-Wing isn’t entirely a casino game, but like all Betway gameplays, it involves gambling activities. Bettors wager on which X-wing starfighter will win in a racing game. Its high stakes make it entertaining to watch in the Star Wars universe.


Therefore, Star Wars gives us more than just an excellent storyline and fighting scenes. It also features gambling through games, as explained in the article. Sabacc is arguably the best, a card game that can be compared with most modern casino versions. If you still haven’t watched the franchise films, this is your chance to go and also check out these legendary gameplays.