Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 7.5: A New Chapter Unfolds

Star Wars: The Old Republic Update 7.5: A New Chapter Unfolds

SWTOR fans, gather around! The galaxy far, far away just got a fresh infusion of content with the release of Game Update 7.5. This update is packed with exciting features that will have both seasoned players and newcomers itching to log in and explore. Whether you’re a die-hard Jedi, a cunning Sith, or somewhere in between, there’s something in this update that’s sure to catch your eye. So, let’s dive into what’s new, what’s exciting, and why you should be jumping into the game right now!

Combat Style Switching: The Ultimate Flexibility

Have you ever wished you could switch between combat styles without creating a whole new character? Well, SWTOR has just made that dream a reality! With Game Update 7.5, you can now swap between your unlocked combat styles on the fly. This means if you’re feeling like a stealthy Shadow one moment but want to unleash your inner Juggernaut the next, you can do so with just a few clicks.

This feature is a game-changer for players who enjoy experimenting with different playstyles or who want to adapt to different group roles without the hassle of logging out and in again. It’s also perfect for those of us who are a little, let’s say, indecisive. Can’t decide between flinging lightning or wielding a lightsaber? Now you don’t have to!

The Spirit of Vengeance

A New Story Chapter: “Echoes of Oblivion”

The narrative in SWTOR has always been a major draw, and with Update 7.5, we’re getting a brand-new story chapter called “Echoes of Oblivion.” This chapter promises to deepen the ongoing narrative with twists, turns, and plenty of dramatic confrontations. Whether you’re following the light side, the dark side, or somewhere in the morally grey middle, “Echoes of Oblivion” is set to deliver the kind of epic storytelling that SWTOR is known for.

Without giving too much away, expect to see familiar faces, encounter new challenges, and uncover secrets that have been simmering in the background for a while now. The stakes are high, the action is intense, and the story is one you won’t want to miss.

New Flashpoint: “The Spirit of Vengeance”

If group content is more your speed, you’ll be thrilled to know that a brand-new Flashpoint, titled “The Spirit of Vengeance,” has been added to the game. This Flashpoint is designed for groups of players to tackle together, offering a challenging PvE experience with plenty of rewards up for grabs.

“The Spirit of Vengeance” takes players on a daring mission aboard a Mandalorian cruiser, where you’ll face off against fierce enemies, solve tricky puzzles, and ultimately, take down a major threat to the galaxy. It’s a rollercoaster ride of action and strategy, with plenty of opportunities to show off your combat prowess.

Noble Champion Speeder and Malicious Tyrant Assault Mounts

Galactic Seasons: Fresh Rewards and Challenges

Galactic Seasons have become a fan-favorite feature in SWTOR, offering players a structured way to earn rewards and complete challenges over time. With Update 7.5, the new season is packed with fresh rewards, including new armor sets, mounts, and more.

Whether you’re a completionist who wants to unlock every reward or a casual player who enjoys picking up a few cool items along the way, the latest Galactic Season has something for everyone. Plus, it’s a great way to keep the game feeling fresh and engaging, even if you’ve been playing for years.

he following rewards will be available on the Free/Preferred reward track: 

Galactic Seasons 7 Mission “Dangerous Game” Unlock

Dark Side Tokens x 3

Light Side Tokens x 3

2500 Tech Fragments (in total)

Bubble Bomb (Blue) x15

Medal of Commendation x100

Legendary Embers x10

Galactic Season Token x4

Iokath Recombinator x5

Stronghold Label: Hive of Scum and Villainy

Legacy Title: Carbonite Enthusiast

Fitted Armor Pack

Bronze Cartel Weapon Crate x2

Bronze Cartel Armor Crate x2

Bronze Cartel Mount Crate x2

Bronze Cartel Decoration Crate x3

Silver Cartel Decoration Crate x2

Silver Cartel Weapon Crate

Silver Cartel Mount Crate

Silver Cartel Armor Crate

Gold Cartel Decoration Crate x2

Prey Stalker themed weapons

Quality of Life Improvements: Because Who Doesn’t Love Easier Gaming?

In addition to all the big-ticket items, Game Update 7.5 also includes a slew of quality-of-life improvements that make playing SWTOR smoother and more enjoyable. These range from tweaks to the user interface to behind-the-scenes adjustments that make the game run better overall.

One of the most notable changes is the introduction of a new customization system for companions, allowing players to tailor their favorite NPCs to better fit their personal aesthetic. Whether you want your companion to match your dark and brooding Sith or your shiny and noble Jedi, the new system gives you the tools to do just that.

Cartel Market: New Goodies Await

As always, no SWTOR update would be complete without some shiny new items in the Cartel Market. With Game Update 7.5, you’ll find a range of new cosmetics, mounts, and more to purchase and show off in-game. Whether you’re looking to freshen up your character’s look or just add a few new toys to your collection, the Cartel Market has got you covered.

(Righteous Mystic and Dread Mystic Lightsabers)
Honored Saberist and Honored Adept Armors

Final Thoughts: Why You Should Jump Back Into SWTOR

Game Update 7.5 for Star Wars: The Old Republic is a robust offering that caters to a wide range of players. Whether you’re here for the story, the combat, the group content, or just the joy of customizing your character to the nines, this update has something for you. The ability to switch combat styles alone is worth the price of admission, offering unprecedented flexibility and creativity in how you play the game.

So, if you’ve been on the fence about jumping back into SWTOR, or if you’re a long-time player who’s been waiting for something new to sink your teeth into, now is the perfect time to log in and see what’s new. The galaxy is calling—will you answer?

For more details on Game Update 7.5 and all the new content, be sure to check out the official SWTOR page here.