Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Kit Reveal – The Great Mothers Are Here!

Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes Kit Reveal – The Great Mothers Are Here!

The Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes roster has a new, powerful addition with the introduction of the Great Mothers, a unique unit based on three Nightsister characters. This elite marquee unit offers more complexity, power, and gameplay options than a typical marquee character, pushing the boundaries of what fans can expect from their favorite dark side faction. In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about the Great Mothers: their abilities, how to use them effectively in combat, and what makes them such an exciting new addition to the game.

Meet the Great Mothers: A Three-in-One Powerhouse

The Great Mothers are the second large unit to be introduced in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, following in the footsteps of Jabba the Hutt. Much like Jabba, the Great Mothers cannot be paired with other large units and occupy a unique role on the battlefield. What makes this unit special is that it combines three individual characters—Klothow, Aktropaw, and Lakesis—into one entity, effectively blending their powers and abilities into a single, formidable force.

The Great Mothers draw inspiration from Greek mythology’s Fates, who controlled the destinies of mortals by weaving, manipulating, and eventually cutting the thread of life. This symbolism is represented in both their design and their mechanics, making them one of the most thematically cohesive units in the game.

“The names of the Great Mothers are Klothow, Aktropaw, and Lakesis, and they are very much based on the Greek Fates. The Fates would spin a thread of a person’s life and manipulate events by manipulating the thread, eventually cutting it at the end of that person’s life.” This concept is beautifully woven into their Blessed and Doomed mechanics.

Blessed and Doomed: Mastering the Great Mothers’ Core Mechanics

The Great Mothers introduce two new effects to the game: Blessed and Doomed. Understanding these mechanics is crucial to using the unit effectively.

  • Blessed: This effect provides a wide range of buffs, making the chosen ally significantly stronger and more durable. A Blessed ally gains increased Max Health, Offense, and immunity to instant defeat, stun, and turn meter reduction. Additionally, they assist other Nightsister allies when they use a special ability, making them essential for team synergy. This effect was inspired by a scene in Ahsoka, where Klothow bestowed the “Gift of Shadow” on Morgan Elsbeth. In gameplay, this translates into enhancing a specific ally, protecting them, and boosting their offensive capabilities.
  • Doomed: The Doomed effect weakens enemies by reducing their protection and Max Health over time. Once inflicted, a Doomed enemy will lose 20% Max Health at the end of every turn, making them much easier to defeat, especially in long battles. Doomed enemies also lose their protection and cannot revive, a significant advantage against tanky or resurrection-heavy teams. The Doomed mechanic mirrors the Fates’ role in cutting the thread of life, dooming their target to inevitable destruction.

Together, Blessed and Doomed allow the Great Mothers to dictate the flow of battle by strengthening allies and crippling enemies. This makes them versatile in various game modes, from Territory Wars to PvP battles, where timing and strategy are critical.

Combat Strategy: Synergize for Maximum Impact

The Great Mothers are designed to lead a second Nightsister squad, making them an ideal addition for players already invested in the Nightsister faction. Their ability to bless key attackers and doom high-priority enemies makes them extremely flexible in combat, allowing you to adapt to the battlefield’s changing conditions.

In particular, focusing the Blessed effect on your most powerful attackers can make a huge difference. Since Blessed allies assist when another Nightsister uses a special ability, it’s best to place this effect on characters like Morgan Elsbeth, whose basic and special abilities can wreak havoc on Doomed enemies.

Strategy Tip: “Blessing your Attackers is generally the way to go because of the assists and Offense buffs, but blessing Morgan Elsbeth can be valuable in some situations because her Basic ability is extremely powerful.

In Territory Wars, the Blessed effect can counter powerful enemies like Jedi Master Kenobi and Commander Ahsoka, thanks to its immunity to instant defeat effects. Meanwhile, Doomed is perfect for dealing with high-protection teams, as it completely removes protection from afflicted enemies.

Unique Abilities and Leadership

The Great Mothers are not just about Blessing and Dooming—their leadership and special abilities give them an edge in battle.

Key Abilities:

  • Energy Threads (Basic Ability): This attack inflicts Doomed enemies with Tenacity Down and reduces their Max Health, while also providing buffs to Blessed allies. This ability is perfect for weakening high-health enemies and supporting your team.
  • Majik Storm (Special Ability): This devastating attack dispels debuffs on all Nightsister allies and buffs from all enemies. It hits all enemies three times and grants Defense Penetration Up if it defeats an enemy. Majik Storm is excellent for clearing the battlefield and giving your team an offensive boost.
  • To The Old Ways (Unique Ability): This Omicron ability grants Nightsister allies significant bonuses, including Max Health and Tenacity, and provides offensive bonuses when enemies are critically hit. It also grants protection recovery when attacking vulnerable enemies, making it a crucial part of the Great Mothers’ strategy in longer battles.

Leadership Ability:

  • Threads of Destiny (Leader Ability): As the leader, the Great Mothers grant Nightsister allies significant defensive buffs and additional speed. This ability also allows the Great Mothers to remove debuffs and take bonus turns, ensuring that they stay active throughout the battle. The combination of buffs and debuff removal makes this leadership ability invaluable in Territory Wars and other game modes.

Elite Marquee and Accessibility

The Great Mothers are part of an elite marquee event, which means they offer more power than a typical marquee unit but are still accessible. They are not tied to a difficult Journey Guide event, making them a more obtainable addition for many players. The event begins on September 5, 2024, giving players the chance to add this powerful unit to their roster.

Conclusion: A Game-Changing Addition to the Nightsister Faction

The Great Mothers are not just another marquee unit—they are a powerful, versatile, and thematic addition to Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Their ability to both support allies and weaken enemies makes them an invaluable tool in a variety of game modes, from Territory Wars to PvP. Their complex mechanics and Greek mythology-inspired design also add a level of depth that sets them apart from other units in the game.

Whether you’re a Nightsister veteran or just starting to build your dark side teams, the Great Mothers offer a strategic advantage that’s hard to overlook. With their elite marquee event launching soon, now is the perfect time to prepare for battle and take your Nightsister squad to the next level.

Novara Skuara

When I was 7, I saw Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters a week after it opened. My parents were nice enough to take me and I have been a fan of Star Wars and almost all science fiction in general. I am an amateur writer who has been published for contributing flavor text to a RP game. I also have a copyright on a novel I hope to be able to publish sometime soon.