The Ashiga: A New Force in the Star Wars Universe

Faction lore: The Ashiga Clan

The Star Wars galaxy is vast, with an ever-expanding roster of characters, planets, and, of course, shady criminal syndicates. Enter The Ashiga, one of the latest additions to this underworld, brought to life in the upcoming video game Star Wars Outlaws. So, what’s the deal with The Ashiga? Think of them as the space equivalent of a samurai clan, but with more weapons, less patience, and a penchant for insect-inspired aesthetics.

Who Are The Ashiga?

The Ashiga Clan is a criminal syndicate based on the icy planet of Kijimi, which some of you might remember from The Rise of Skywalker. Kijimi has always been a hotbed of illegal activity, and The Ashiga have their claws—er, mandibles—firmly entrenched in it all. From smuggling and extortion to sabotage and weapons manufacturing, if it’s shady, The Ashiga are probably involved.

At the core of The Ashiga is the Melitto species, an insectoid race with a hive mentality. This group operates under a strict hierarchy, and their entire existence is based on the survival of the collective. Forget about personal ambition—everything in The Ashiga is about the greater good of the clan. You’re judged solely on how useful you are to the hive, so slackers need not apply!

The Ashiga Code of Honor

The Ashiga Code of Honor

Despite their underworld dealings, The Ashiga live by a rigid code of honor. Imagine samurai in space, but with fewer katana and more blasters. Loyalty, usefulness, and the collective’s welfare guide their decisions, and anyone who tries to cross them quickly learns that bugs can bite. Their code makes them ruthless, but also reliable—for those lucky enough to stay in their good graces.

And let’s not forget their impeccable fashion sense. Inspired by traditional Japanese culture, their attire takes cues from elegant kimonos, bringing a touch of class to the galaxy’s crime scene. It’s not every day you see a galactic crime boss who looks like they stepped out of a high-fashion show.

A Family Affair

The Ashiga Clan is led by Queen Ashiga, a no-nonsense ruler whose ambition is to expand their territory by any means necessary. But there’s drama in the hive! Queen Ashiga’s daughter, Krisk Ashiga, isn’t too thrilled with her mom’s expansionist goals. This internal family conflict adds an extra layer of intrigue to The Ashiga’s story. It’s like the Real Housewives of Kijimi—if the housewives were insect-like crime lords.

This dynamic creates tension that players will experience firsthand in Star Wars Outlaws, where you’ll have the chance to interact with The Ashiga and maybe even decide their fate. Will you side with the power-hungry Queen, or will you back Krisk’s more progressive vision for the clan? No pressure, but you could be making galactic history.

The Ashiga Clan was a criminal syndicate of Melitto active during the Imperial Era

The Ashiga in Star Wars Outlaws

In Star Wars Outlaws, The Ashiga are one of several criminal syndicates vying for power, and they take reputation very seriously. If you’re looking to cozy up to them, you’d better stay on their good side. They’re not the forgiving type, and if they catch you lying or double-crossing them, you’re in for a world of hurt—likely with a side of sabotage.

One of the fascinating aspects of The Ashiga is their balance between brutal criminal activity and a strict moral code. Sure, they’re arms dealers, but they’re honorable arms dealers, and there’s something oddly endearing about that.

Final Thoughts on The Ashiga

Whether you’re a hardcore Star Wars fan or just someone dipping their toes into the galaxy far, far away, The Ashiga offer a fresh and intriguing look at the criminal underworld. They blend traditional honor with ruthless ambition, all while dressing to impress in their samurai-inspired garb. They may be new to the galaxy, but don’t be surprised if The Ashiga carve out a permanent place in Star Wars lore—one hive-minded crime at a time.

So, are you ready to throw in your lot with The Ashiga? Just remember, in their world, loyalty is everything—unless you enjoy being hunted by an angry hive of Melitto. And trust me, you don’t want that.

May the force (and maybe some bug spray) be with you!