Star Wars Hunters Clash Event: "Cost of Honor" Now Live!

Star Wars Hunters Clash Event: “Cost of Honor” Now Live!

The latest event in Star Wars: Hunters, titled “Cost of Honor,” is now live, bringing fresh challenges and exciting rewards to the game’s community. This event is part of the ongoing first season and offers players a chance to engage in various game modes and earn exclusive in-game items.

Event Overview: Cost of Honor

Matchup Clash Playlist: The “Cost of Honor” event introduces the Matchup Clash playlist, a dynamic game mode that randomizes Hunter picks, ensuring each match is unique and challenging. Players will participate in several game types, including Dynamic Control, Trophy Chase, and Squad Brawl.

Earn Rewards: Participants can earn new skins, Fame, and Arena Pass XP by taking part in the event. These rewards are crucial for progressing in the game and unlocking exclusive content.

Event Details and Game Modes

  1. Randomized Hunter Picks: Each match starts with players being assigned random Hunters, adding an element of unpredictability and requiring adaptable strategies.
  2. Dynamic Control: In this mode, teams compete to control specific areas of the map, earning points by maintaining control against the opposing team.
  3. Trophy Chase: Teams must collect trophies scattered throughout the map, with the goal of collecting more trophies than the opponents by the end of the match.
  4. Squad Brawl: This is a classic team deathmatch mode where teams compete to achieve the highest number of eliminations within a set time limit.
Star Wars Hunters Clash Event Cost of Honor Now Live

How to Participate

To join the “Cost of Honor” event, simply log into Star Wars: Hunters and select the Matchup Clash playlist from the event menu. Players will then be matched into one of the rotating game modes, providing a fresh experience with each match.

About Star Wars: Hunters

Released globally on June 4, 2024, Star Wars: Hunters is a 4v4 competitive arena game developed by Zynga and Lucasfilm Games. Set in the Star Wars universe, the game allows players to choose from a diverse roster of Hunters, each with unique abilities and roles, to battle in iconic locations from the Star Wars saga.

Stay tuned for more updates and events in Star Wars: Hunters, and may the Force be with you as you battle for honor in the arena!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the “Cost of Honor” event in Star Wars: Hunters? The “Cost of Honor” event is a special Clash Event in Star Wars: Hunters where players can participate in the Matchup Clash playlist. This event features randomized Hunter picks and includes several game modes such as Dynamic Control, Trophy Chase, and Squad Brawl. Players can earn new skins, Fame, and Arena Pass XP by participating in the event.

How do I participate in the “Cost of Honor” event? To join the “Cost of Honor” event, log into Star Wars: Hunters and select the Matchup Clash playlist from the event menu. You will then be matched into one of the rotating game modes, providing a unique experience with each match. The event is open to all players, offering a great opportunity to earn exclusive rewards.

What rewards can I earn from the “Cost of Honor” event? By participating in the “Cost of Honor” event, players can earn various rewards including new character skins, Fame, and Arena Pass XP. These rewards help players progress in the game and unlock exclusive content, enhancing their overall gameplay experience.

Promotional graphic for video game featuring Mandalorian theme

Novara Skuara

When I was 7, I saw Star Wars: A New Hope in theaters a week after it opened. My parents were nice enough to take me and I have been a fan of Star Wars and almost all science fiction in general. I am an amateur writer who has been published for contributing flavor text to a RP game. I also have a copyright on a novel I hope to be able to publish sometime soon.