Author: Matt "ObiWaN" Hansen

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Is Pretty Amazing…

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Is Pretty Amazing...

Star Wars Battlefront 2, the reboot of the 2005 game of the same name, was released in 2017 to mixed reactions. Many players were disappointed with the heavy monetization of the game, which included loot boxes and pay-to-win mechanics that gave players who were willing to spend extra money an unfair advantage over those who were not. These mechanics were so controversial that Disney, the owner of the Star Wars franchise, stepped in and told the developer, EA DICE, that the monetization was unbecoming of a Star Wars game. Despite the initial negative reception, EA DICE eventually stripped out all of the loot boxes and pay-to-win mechanics from the game, and many players now consider it to be “good.” I decided to try it for myself and see what the game had to offer modern audiences. First and foremost, the graphics in Battlefront 2 are absolutely stunning. The attention to…

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Let’s Play: Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire is a video game that was released in 1996 and is set in the Star Wars universe. It was developed by LucasArts and published by Lucasfilm Games, and it was released for the Nintendo 64 and PC platforms. The game takes place between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, and it follows the story of a character named Dash Rendar, who is a smuggler and bounty hunter. Dash is drawn into the conflict between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire when he is hired by Princess Leia to rescue Han Solo, who has been captured by the bounty hunter Boba Fett. Throughout the game, players control Dash as he travels to various locations in the Star Wars universe, including the ice planet Hoth, the city-planet Coruscant, and the desert planet Tatooine. Along the way, Dash encounters a…

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Star Wars: Heir to the Empire – Chapter 1 Special edition

A new special edition of Star Wars: Heir to the Empire is now live on youtube. Below this article you can see a 150 min fan animation of chapter one. ““Star Wars: Heir to the Empire” is a science fiction novel written by Timothy Zahn and published in 1991. It is set in the Star Wars universe, five years after the events of the 1983 film “Return of the Jedi.” The story follows a group of characters including smuggler and rebel hero Han Solo, his wife Princess Leia, and former Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker as they try to defend the New Republic from the remnants of the Empire. The novel begins with the introduction of Grand Admiral Thrawn, the main antagonist of the story. Thrawn is a brilliant military strategist who has risen to power within the ranks of the Empire after the death of Emperor Palpatine in “Return of…

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Flashpoints of SWTOR: Directive 7

swtor Directive 7

Directive 7 is an endgame flashpoint in the popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). It is available to both the Empire and the Republic, and players can access it by speaking to a level 45 droid on either Carrick Station (Republic) or Vaiken Spacedock (Imperial). In SWTOR, flashpoints are instanced areas that can be played with a group of players and typically involve a series of challenging battles and boss encounters. Directive 7 is no exception, and players will need to bring their best skills and tactics to emerge victorious. The story of Directive 7 takes place during the ongoing Cold War between the Empire and the Republic. The flashpoint follows the player character as they are sent to investigate a mysterious signal that has been emanating from a remote planet. Upon arrival, they discover that the signal is coming from an abandoned…

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Flashpoints of SWTOR: The Red Reaper

swtor The Red Reaper

The Red Reaper is a mid-game Flashpoint available to both Empire and Republic players in the popular MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic. This challenging content is designed for players level 50 and above, and features a series of challenging boss fights that test the skills and coordination of even the most seasoned groups. One of the key bosses of The Red Reaper is Lord Kherus, a formidable Sith Lord who wields powerful dark side abilities. To defeat Lord Kherus, it is crucial to have a well-coordinated group with a strong tank, capable damage dealers, and a healer who can keep the group alive through the encounter. One strategy for defeating Lord Kherus is to have the tank position themselves at the back of the room, near the entrance, to draw the boss’s attention away from the rest of the group. The damage dealers should focus on hitting Lord Kherus…

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Flashpoints of SWTOR: Colicoid War Game

Colicoid War Game

The Colicoid War Game is a popular Flashpoint in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). Set in the Star Wars universe, the game allows players to explore various planets, complete quests, and engage in epic battles as they progress through the story. The Colicoid War Game Flashpoint is an endgame activity that challenges players to navigate through a series of difficult battles and puzzles as they attempt to shut down a deadly war game being run by the Colicoids, a race of insectoid beings. Players can access the Colicoid War Game Flashpoint through the in-game map, or by joining a group of other players through the game’s matchmaking system. The Flashpoint is designed for a group of four players, and it is recommended that each player is at least level 50, the maximum level in the game. The Colicoid War Game Flashpoint consists…

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Flashpoints of SWTOR: Maelstrom Prison

Maelstrom Prison is a Flashpoint, a type of high-level cooperative mission, in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Wars: The Old Republic. Located in the depths of the Maelstrom Nebula, Maelstrom Prison is a notorious facility where the galaxy’s most dangerous criminals are held. Players must journey to Maelstrom Prison to stop an escape attempt and prevent the release of some of the galaxy’s most dangerous criminals. The Flashpoint begins with players being tasked with infiltrating the prison and stopping the escape attempt. Upon arriving at Maelstrom Prison, players are greeted by the prison’s warden, Admiral Trench. Trench reveals that a group of rebels, led by the Sith Lord Darth Havok, have taken control of the prison and are attempting to free the prisoners. Trench tasks the players with stopping the rebels and preventing the escape. As players make their way through Maelstrom Prison, they encounter numerous rebels and…

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What is Pazaak?

What is Pazaak?

Pazaak is a popular card game in the Star Wars universe that combines elements of luck and strategy. It is a game that has been enjoyed by many characters in the Star Wars franchise, including Revan and Darth Bane. The game is played with a deck of 20 cards, which consists of four copies of each of the following cards: To begin a game of Pazaak, each player is dealt four cards from the deck. The objective of the game is to get as close to a total of 20 as possible, without going over. Players take turns drawing and playing cards from their hands, with the option to stand at any time. There are two types of Pazaak games: “standard” and “side bet.” In a standard game, players simply compete to get the closest to 20 without going over. In a side bet game, players can also wager credits…

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The day Star Wars: Galaxies Closed down

The day Star Wars: Galaxies Closed down

Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) set in the Star Wars universe. Developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, the game was released in 2003 and was actively played until its closure in 2011. Set in the time period between the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy of the Star Wars films, An Empire Divided allowed players to create their own characters and explore the galaxy as members of various professions such as bounty hunters, smugglers, and Jedi Knights. The game featured a wide array of planets and locations from the Star Wars universe, including Tatooine, Hoth, and Coruscant, as well as original locations such as the city-planet of Coronet on Corellia. An Empire Divided was notable for its extensive character customization options and its player-driven economy, which allowed players to craft and sell items to one another. The game…

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Flashpoints of SWTOR: “The Esseles”

Flashpoints of SWTOR: "The Esseles"

The Esseles flashpoint is a part of the Star Wars: The Old Republic game and is a thrilling and challenging experience for players. Located on the planet of Coruscant, the Esseles flashpoint is a stronghold of the Republic and is home to a group of loyal and dedicated soldiers. The Esseles flashpoint is a level 10-16 flashpoint that is designed for a group of four players. The flashpoint has a story mode, which is the default difficulty level, and a veteran mode, which is a more challenging version of the flashpoint. The story mode is recommended for players who are new to the game, while the veteran mode is suitable for more experienced players. The Esseles flashpoint is set in a Republic starship that has been attacked by the Imperial forces. The players must fight their way through the ship and defeat the Imperial forces in order to rescue the…

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Star Wars: Squadrons is currently available for free

Electronic Arts doesn’t enjoy the greatest of reputations among Star Wars fans, and there are good reasons for that. When the games developer and publisher gets things right, it gets them very right indeed, but when it gets them wrong, they’re frequently awful. As a fandom, we’ve had some dreadful Star Wars products from EA over the years, but their form has been better thus far in the 2020s. When they released Star Wars: Squadrons at the end of 2020, it was late, but it was fantastic. It was well worth anybody’s money when it was brand new, and it’s still a great game now.  We appreciate that not everybody has a limitless budget for video games. There are a few people who won’t have picked up Star Wars: Squadrons when it first came out – partially because they didn’t have the cash and partially because they didn’t trust Electronic…

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What Is The Best Platform For Making A Crypto Exchange Online Based?

 Crypto currency is the digital currency playing a significant role in the upcoming generation, which will rule the entire world in the future and it is the expert’s reposts. The internet is the primary and essential thing used in day to day life. Importance of crypto currency today:   Internet is used everywhere today, and with of help of online, a wide range of businesses are running successfully. Many things are change to the online mode. After more internet access, people started using online platforms, selling products, and cresting the web content along many processes in the online portal. Later, the crypto currency was introduced, which is more famous; it can be earned through mining. Crypto are a well-known digital currency that functions like real cash, but the online mode can cause it, also called digital money.  Bit coin development  The crypto currency is not considered and accepted in the very place….

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Makita router: a powerful modern equipment

If you live in a private house, like to take care of the garden and work with wood, you cannot do without special electrotools. Makita router is a powerful modern equipment that allows you to perform a wide range of tasks from drilling to cutting grooves and edging. It is not surprising that it is actively bought not only by the owners of cottages, but also by professional furniture makers. Makita router features One of the best purchases for a private home is Makita router 18v. Compact and functional tools significantly speed up and simplify woodworking. With this brushless router you can: cut circles, grooves in the material; create rounded edges, complex edges, etc. An important advantage of the model is a battery. Due to the absence of wires, you can independently choose a convenient place to work and get complete freedom of movement. If you have to process…

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Can Delta 10 Vape Improve Your State Of Mind?

Delta-10 is a cannabinoid found in cannabis plants in trace concentrations. It has the same effect as conventional THC (delta-9) but is less intense. It is comparable to delta-8, a less potent cannabinoid than conventional THC. Delta-10 and delta-8 are the components of CBD extracted from cannabis. Delta-10 is lawful in all 50 states because hemp is legal throughout the United States. Some States have made delta-10 illegal because of its rumored side effects. Delta-10 has also taken off, and we’re seeing it in many items in the form of Delta 10 Vape. Delta-10 THC is difficult to produce and manufacture, yet it has a high demand. What is a Delta 10 vape? Image Source:  THC isomers are many kinds of THC discovered by cannabis experts. Isomers are chemical molecules with the same chemical formula but organized differently. In terms of THC content, delta 9 THC is the most…

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Top Slingo Games for SWTOR Fans

Slingo, a portmanteau of slots and bingo, is the latest craze when it comes to iGaming. It was created in 1994 and has been slowly increasing in popularity over the last decade. It has been praised for its originality and innovation, but also its interactivity, which has a lot of overlap with console gaming. Slingo Games with Star Wars Themes For fans of SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic), there are loads of Slingo options out there similar to the game, for when you fancy a break from the MMPORG. Maybe you’re already over the recently released SWTOR Legacy of the Sith game that came out in February and you’re looking for something new. There’s nothing wrong with that, and you can always come back to SWTOR and your fellow players later on. Just like SWTOR, Slingo is an innovative franchise that now has a cult-like following. With merchandise and…

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Greates plot twist of all time

Imagine an entire theater filled to capacity suddenly gasping in unison…then holding their breath as Luke searches his feelings and cries out in anguish. Like when Thanos snapped his fingers in Infinity War….only much, much bigger. And just like nobody knowing what would happen in Endgame, none of us knew if this shit was true or if it was Vader just being a douche. Me and my friends argued endlessly over whether or not it was true. My stepdad (who took me to see all three OT films in the theater,) assured me that they wouldn’t have thrown that shit in there if it wasn’t real, and my older sister kept telling me I was an idiot because…and I quote here…”Darth Vader wouldn’t lie about something like that.” Every time my friends and I were playing with action figures, somebody with a Vader figure would say something like, “Luke has to do…

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Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Developer Insights: Iden Versio

The guys over at Capital Games has posted a new developer insight. This time they are talking with the designers of Iden Versio. After the attack on the Death Star, the Empire responded by assembling Inferno Squad – an Imperial Special Forces commando unit – and appointed Iden Versio as its leader. Now, Iden’s intelligence and relentlessness will be put to use as the newest Imperial Trooper leader to hit the holotables. UNIT NAME: Iden VersioALIGNMENT: Dark SideCATEGORIES: Dark Side, Attacker, Leader, Empire, Imperial TrooperTenacious Empire Attacker who expertly takes out foes while supporting her squad. ABILITIES: Basic: TAKE THEM DOWN FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to target enemy. If no other allies have the Leader tag, Iden deals damage two more times. For each critical hit, Iden recovers 5% Health and Protection. Special 1: PUSH FORWARD (Cooldown 2) FINAL TEXT: Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Vulnerable for 2 turns. Dispel all buffs on target enemy…

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State of BioWare and Looking Ahead.

Studio General Manager at BioWare Gary McKay, posted a new blogpost were he share some thoughts and plans for the future. Most information is about how hard the global pandemic has been on the company, but there is some tidbits about Star Wars: The old republic worh mentioning: So as challenging as things have been, we have a lot of really exciting things to look forward to — especially our upcoming releases! First off, I’m excited to launch Legacy of the Sith, the latest expansion for Star Wars®: The Old Republic™, on February 15. We’re on the doorstep of a new expansion that will see the players with more combat style choices, a new storyline that returns you to the underwater depths of Manaan and the ruined Sith fortress on the planet Elom, and so much more! It all starts in February, and we’ll have more updates throughout the year. We are extremely…

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SWTOR Guild Perks and Guild Levels Guide

Revamped Guild Window The first thing to note is the newly redesigned guild window. It has four tabs: general, roster, perks, and ranks. General tab give you a good overview of guild activity and conquest leaderboard for guild members. Roster have not changed much from the older version. Pretty much identical Perks is completely new in 5.10 and will be expanded on below. Note that to use guild perks you must own a Guild Flagship and unlock the various rooms in the ships. Guild flagships have their prices lowered from 50 mil down to 15 mil. You can now set custom ranks and give specific permissions for each rank you set. Guild Levels Guilds can now earn levels. Guild levels are earned via conquest points with every conquest point = 2 guild XP. There is a weekly cap of 8 million guild XP (4 million conquest guilds) that only very…

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