Directive 7

Flashpoints of SWTOR: Directive 7

swtor Directive 7

Directive 7 is an endgame flashpoint in the popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). It is available to both the Empire and the Republic, and players can access it by speaking to a level 45 droid on either Carrick Station (Republic) or Vaiken Spacedock (Imperial). In SWTOR, flashpoints are instanced areas that can be played with a group of players and typically involve a series of challenging battles and boss encounters. Directive 7 is no exception, and players will need to bring their best skills and tactics to emerge victorious. The story of Directive 7 takes place during the ongoing Cold War between the Empire and the Republic. The flashpoint follows the player character as they are sent to investigate a mysterious signal that has been emanating from a remote planet. Upon arrival, they discover that the signal is coming from an abandoned…

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SWTOR Flashpoint Guide: Directive 7

Flashpoint Guide: Directive 7

Recommended Level: 48-50Faction: Republic & EmpireBosses: 6 (3 mini-bosses) Directive 7 is the name given to a group of renegade droids who have joined together as one identity with one mission, which is to go through the galaxy exterminating all biological life forms. Both the Republic and the Empire have suffered at the hands of these renegade droids so both factions have a common interest in taking down Directive 7. Fortunately, for both factions, one of the Directives disagrees with the exterminating of all other life forms and offers them valuable information that will help put an end to this rebellion. Your mission is to travel with your squad of level 50 players to the small moon called Zadd, where you’ll go up against these 6 bosses in addition to one bonus boss. Here’s a vid of the Flashpoint in action: Detector Detector is the first mini boss you’ll encounter when you arrive…

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