swtor Directive 7

Flashpoints of SWTOR: Directive 7

Directive 7 is an endgame flashpoint in the popular massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). It is available to both the Empire and the Republic, and players can access it by speaking to a level 45 droid on either Carrick Station (Republic) or Vaiken Spacedock (Imperial).

In SWTOR, flashpoints are instanced areas that can be played with a group of players and typically involve a series of challenging battles and boss encounters. Directive 7 is no exception, and players will need to bring their best skills and tactics to emerge victorious.

The story of Directive 7 takes place during the ongoing Cold War between the Empire and the Republic. The flashpoint follows the player character as they are sent to investigate a mysterious signal that has been emanating from a remote planet. Upon arrival, they discover that the signal is coming from an abandoned Republic research facility that has been taken over by a group of rogue droids.

The player character, along with a group of other heroes, must fight their way through waves of hostile droids and eventually confront the source of the signal, a powerful droid known as Directive 7. Along the way, players will encounter a variety of challenging bosses, including a pair of deadly droid twins and a giant droid known as the X-1 Viper.

One of the standout features of Directive 7 is its impressive visuals and production values. The abandoned research facility is a highly detailed and atmospheric setting, and the various droid enemies are all well-designed and visually distinct. The flashpoint also features some impressive cutscenes and voice acting, which help to immerse players in the story and bring the world of SWTOR to life.

In terms of gameplay, Directive 7 is a challenging and engaging experience that will test the skills of even the most seasoned SWTOR players. The various boss encounters are all unique and require different tactics to defeat, and the flashpoint as a whole is well-balanced and fairly paced. The flashpoint is also well-suited for a variety of playstyles, as it offers a mix of ranged and melee combat, as well as various environmental hazards to navigate.

One thing to keep in mind is that Directive 7 is an endgame flashpoint, which means that it is designed for higher level characters and may be too difficult for players who are not well-equipped or skilled enough. However, for players who are looking for a tough but rewarding challenge, Directive 7 is definitely worth checking out.

In conclusion, Directive 7 is a standout endgame flashpoint in SWTOR that offers a challenging and engaging experience for players. With its impressive production values and well-designed boss encounters, it is a must-play for fans of the game.


What is the recommended gear level for Directive 7?

It is recommended to have a gear level of 186 or higher when attempting the Directive 7 Flashpoint to handle the challenging encounters effectively.

What strategy should be used to defeat Bulwark in Directive 7?

To defeat Bulwark, interrupt his abilities, especially his shield, and focus on taking down his summoned turrets quickly. Coordinate with your team to manage his AoE attacks and maintain high DPS.

How do I avoid the Missile Barrage from the Interrogator in Directive 7?

Avoiding the Missile Barrage requires spreading out to reduce the impact of the AoE damage and moving out of targeted areas quickly. Use movement abilities to reposition and minimize damage.

What is the best approach for handling the final boss, Mentor, in this Flashpoint?

The final boss, Mentor, involves multiple phases with various mechanics. Focus on interrupting his high-damage abilities, avoiding ground effects, and managing adds that spawn during the fight. Communication and teamwork are essential to handle the mechanics effectively.

How do I manage the adds that spawn during the fight with Mentor in Directive 7?

Handling the adds during the fight with Mentor requires coordination and prioritization. Assign DPS players to focus on the adds and eliminate them quickly to prevent them from overwhelming the team. Utilize crowd control abilities to manage the adds.

What are the key loot rewards from the Directive 7 Flashpoint?

The Directive 7 Flashpoint offers valuable gear upgrades and unique items. Key loot rewards include high-level armor pieces, weapons, and potentially rare mounts or pets. Completing this Flashpoint can significantly enhance your character’s gear.

What is the significance of the story in Directive 7?

The story in Directive 7 involves investigating a mysterious signal from a remote planet, leading to an abandoned Republic research facility taken over by rogue droids. Players uncover a plot involving these droids and must stop them, adding depth to the SWTOR lore.

Are there any special achievements associated with Directive 7?

Yes, Directive 7 features several achievements that players can earn by completing specific objectives within the Flashpoint. These may include defeating bosses within a certain timeframe, avoiding particular mechanics, or completing the Flashpoint without any team member being defeated. Check your achievements tab in the game for a complete list and details on how to earn them.