
Celebrating the Best Fathers in Star Wars

Celebrating the Best Fathers in Star Wars

In the vast galaxy of Star Wars, father figures play pivotal roles, guiding and shaping the destinies of their children and the fate of the galaxy itself. On this Father’s Day, let’s take a moment to celebrate some of the most memorable dads in Star Wars. Whether through their sacrifices, wisdom, or undying love, these fathers have left an indelible mark on the saga. Join us as we explore the best fathers in Star Wars, including Anakin Skywalker, Han Solo, Bail Organa, Owen Lars, Galen Erso, Din Djarin, and the mystical “Father” from Mortis. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker’s journey from a hopeful Jedi Knight to the Sith Lord Darth Vader is one of the most iconic narratives in Star Wars. Despite his transformation into Vader, Anakin’s love for his children, Luke and Leia, ultimately redeems him. In “Return of the Jedi,” Vader’s sacrifice to save Luke from Emperor Palpatine…

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Mark Hamill Advocates for Luke Skywalker’s Recasting

Mark Hamill Advocates for Luke Skywalker's Recasting

In a galaxy far, far away, the debate over CGI and deepfake technology in the Star Wars universe has taken a new turn. The original Luke Skywalker himself, Mark Hamill, has been making some waves, and his views are as intriguing as a good old-fashioned Mos Eisley cantina gossip. Hamill, a seminal figure in the Star Wars saga, has appeared as Luke in six out of nine feature films. He’s also made appearances in “The Mandalorian” and “The Book of Boba Fett,” including some recent moments where his younger face was deepfaked onto another actor’s body to resurrect young Luke. But now in an interview with esquire, it seems he’s ready to hang up his lightsaber and pass it onto a new generation. Hamill’s Run-In with CGI and Deepfakes: After Luke’s death in “The Last Jedi,” Hamill stepped back from the series, having disagreed with some creative choices. He was,…

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SWTOR Max Character Slots to be expanded to 50

BioWare is considering expanding the max amount of character slots to 50 in Star Wars: The old Republic. This is to accommodate the Dark vs Light event. Maximum Character Slots Per Server | 06.28.2016, 03:07 PM Hey folks! One of the questions that came out of the Dark vs. Light Event announcement was the current maximum character limits per server. There are some players who have all 40 slots filled, and were concerned about participating in the event. I wanted to let you know that we are actively testing right now the possibility of increasing that maximum by 10. That would mean that a subscriber could have a server maximum of 50 characters. We are exploring if this is a safe change to make and I am hopeful that I will have an answer about this today. As soon as I have any other information I will pass it on….

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SWTOR Character Transfer Sale 5/26 – 6/5

BioWare is having a  character transfer sale from May 26 to June 5. In this period of time, character transfers will only cost you 90 CC. This is to give guilds a chance to transfer. Hey folks, As Ben mentioned in his earlier forum post, we definitely wanted to allow Guilds and players time to organize themselves within the previous Character Transfer sale. With that in mind, we are going to be introducing one more sale period before they revert to their new price of 1,000 Cartel Coins (1,500 for Regional). Here are the sale details: When: Thursday, May 26th – Sunday, June 5th What: Character transfers (not including Regional) will be 90 Cartel Coins Where: Make sure that you are logged into and go here. Thanks everyone. Spread the word!

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SWTOR character transfers 90% off starting tomorrow

Character transfers will be 90% off in SWTOR, starting Tuesday june 23 and last for a few weeks. In this period, each character transfer will only cost 90 Cartel Coins: Last week we announced our next Digital Expansion: Knights of the Fallen Empire. Since announcing, we have seen a lot of players coming back and getting into The Old Republic. Whether you are a new player, an old subscriber coming back, or a player who has been around a while, you may have been looking for an opportunity to move to a new server. Maybe your friends transferred servers in the past or you’re just trying to find a new Fleet to call home. In honor of our Fallen Empire announcement, we wanted to make it a bit easier for you to play on the server you want to. Starting tomorrow, Tuesday June 23rd, all character transfers will be discounted by…

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What Would You Do with 16 Level 55 Toons?

So what do you do if you really, really love SWTOR? Or at least if you really love leveling in SWTOR? Well, we found someone who answered this by maxing out all 16 slots in max level toons. Here’s the screenshot to prove it. Honestly, it is pretty impressive. I’m far too busy to do this in MMORPGs anymore but there was a time when I would have loved to fill my character slots with max levels just like this. I wonder how many total hours he has into this account. If you have multiple 55s, did you get faster with each leveling experience? Maybe he really made use of some of those double and triple experience weekends! Here are some questions you might ask someone with 16 max level toons: Which one was the most fun to level? Which one leveled the quickest? PvP Daily – yes or no?…

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Female SWTOR Characters Got Bustier?

There’s no denying that female video game characters often have large breasts. The reasons why have long been debated. Perhaps it’s a throwback to comic book culture and early feminine heroines. Or maybe it’s because many early video game developers were men and they liked these busty characters. Or maybe it just looks good in video animation. Whatever the reason, we do see more busty females than flat-chested ones in video games. As for me, I don’t really mind. In fact, as a female gamer who most always plays female characters, I usually make mine very large breasted. In games that have a slider on character creation, I slide that sucker all the way automatically and make those puppies as big as they’ll go. Then if it looks odd, I’ll adjust as needed until I like the way my girl looks. But 99% of the time, I leave those boobs…

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Ability Delay — Character Responsiveness Can Make or Break SWTOR

While every new game will have some bugs, there are bugs that are much more serious in game than others. Some, in fact, can be completely game breaking and this is frustrating for someone who enjoys the game but then gets caught by a bug like the ability delay that is slowing character responsiveness in SWTOR. A thread on the official forums breaks down this very important issue that could make or break SWTOR. The original poster explains the issue: “The “Character Responsiveness” for lack of a better term, is how “smooth” the game plays from your avatars perspective. I have played SWG and EQ to a lesser degree as well as Warhammer Online and several other MMOs and I must honestly say that Bioware has gotten this all too important aspect much better than any previous MMO that I have experienced (with the obvious exception, to which we will…

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The WoW Gamer’s Guide to Star Wars the Old Republic Characters

As if you’re not tired of the comparisons between SWTOR and WoW, we have a real winner for you. The folks over at The Old Republicordie have given us a complete Wow Gamer’s Guide to SWTOR characters. If you want to know how the characters in SWTOR are similar to those in WoW or if you’re just looking for a good way to explain the game to a WoW-gamer friend that you’re trying to convert, this guide will really rock it for you. An overview of the breakdowns: WoW Warrior = Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior WoW Priest = Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor WoW Death Knight= Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight WoW Hunter= Smuggler Gunslinger and Imperial Agent WoW Druid = Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor WoW Mage = Jedi Consular: Sage and Sith Inquisitor: Sorcerer WoW Paladin = Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior WoW Rogue = Imperial Agent…

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Dev Diary: Combat in STAR WARS: The Old Republic

We usually get our dose of Star Wars: The Old Republic news on Friday, but GameTrailers recently managed to get their hands on an exclusive developer diary featuring BioWare and LucasArt developers detailing combat in the game. What’s even better, there’s more in-game combat video. Ever wonder why anyone would want to play anything but a Sith or Jedi? Find out from the team creating the classes themselves. [UPDATE] And the official news is live: Whether you dream of beating the odds with just your luck and a blaster, or imagine restoring order to the galaxy with Force powers and a Lightsaber, you’ll have your chance in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. We’ve talked a lot about how The Old Republic is innovating on storytelling in MMOs, and now we want to share with you how combat in The Old Republic will deliver a new level of excitement for fans….

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HoloNet offers new character biographies

SW:TOR HoloNet offers new character biographies. . Have you ever wondered who some of those characters in Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Deceived trailer or the Threat of Peace comics are? With the latest release from BioWare you can find out. The HoloNet has been updated with new biographies for several characters that will be expanded over time. For now, you can get a look at some of the biographical profiles of Grand Moff Kilran, Nem’Ro The Hutt, and Grand Master Satele Shan. Curious about some of the characters you’ve seen in Threat of Peace™, the Developer Walkthrough, or the “Deceived” cinematic trailer? Now you can find out all about them! We are thrilled to introduce a new expansion to our HoloNet archives: Biographies! Now you can view profiles of several of the galaxy’s most notable figures. Each entry highlights someone you may meet, travel with, or fight alongside or…

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