
Dating a Catholic and Orthodox – Feel the Difference

Let us examine what ecumenism is before proceeding directly to the consideration of the question of mixed relations between Catholics and Orthodox. We will say a few words about ecumenism. “Ecumenism”, as a rule, is identified with the “ecumenical movement” and is defined as the desire of Christians for rapprochement and unity. Thus, the concept of “ecumenism” is more general than the concepts of “ecumenical movement” and “ecumenical theology”. If you decide to find your soulmate, then it would not be bad to study the problem of mixed relationships and marriages. You can find your perfect bride at brides dating site. However, what if your religions are slightly different? The marriages of Catholics and Orthodox, or Protestants and Catholics, etc. are such unities at the micro level. If you are into Catholics, you should check out Perhaps this is since marriages between Catholics and Protestants are not such…

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Why dating a gamer is a good idea?

These considerations will assist you in understanding what it’s like to date a gamer. If you meet a charming gaming guy or lady, there are several reasons to think about. Hardcore gamers put a lot of time and money into their gaming hobby, whether they play on a PC or on a console. It can be anything from visiting comic conventions and gaming fairs every now and then or gaming away all their free time. In their leisure time, they can listen to podcasts or explore internet forums to discover new techniques and hacks that they may use to improve their gaming style. This dedication is easily visible to everyone around. Finding them is pretty easy. You can search on a local dating site or a local gaming forum. League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Counter-Strike are the main games that they may spend a significant amount of time playing. Some hardcore…

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Commendation Changes in SWTOR 4.0

Eric Musco just posted an update about the changes coming to commendations in Fallen Empire. Check it out: Hey folks, I wanted to let you know about what changes are coming to Commendations in Fallen Empire, this way you can plan accordingly. Simply put, only the names of some existing Commendations are changing. There are no conversion rates or anything this time around. Basic Commendations will now be called Common Data Crystals Elite Commendations will now be called Glowing Data Crystals Ultimate Commendations will now be called Radiant Data Crystals All other Commendation names remain the same. Again, there are no conversion rates pre/post Fallen Empire. Thanks! -eric

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SWTOR Dev Post – About Warzone Legacy Boxes

BioWare are now changing the current 99 warzone commendation legacy boxes to 100, 500, and 1000 commendation boxes. Apparently this has not been possible before dude to tech limitations. From Alex’s 2nd post, it seems like they converted WZ comms into a currency and so these boxes can hand out as many Comms as the devs would want them to give since its like basially a lockbox you get for credits. Instead of being randomized, its 1 set amount. Why they didnt make Comms a currency sooner is beyond me. Check it out below: About Warzone Legacy Boxes… | 06.08.2015, 02:42 PM We agree! The 99 limit is too low and it is that way because of tech limitations. Good news though! We got some new tech that is going to allow us to change things up. In an upcoming PTS refresh you will see the 99 Lockbox removed and…

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Guide to Patch 2.0 Commendation Changes

As we have already been told by the devs and also seen on the PTS, Patch 2.0 is bringing changes to the game in several different ways. One of these changes will be to the commendation system of SWTOR and this has been a source of confusion for many players so we have set up this little guide to help you understand a bit better. Here is what you can expect to see from the Patch 2.0 changes: Endgame Commendations- Some changes have been made to the endgame commendations you get at level 50. These changes are similar to the planetary commendation changes (described below) and now all of the older comms will be melded into one type. Tionese, Black Hole, Columi and Daily, etc. will now all be called “Classic Commendations”. Once the patch comes out, they will be converted according to this chart: ·      Black Hole – 1:1…

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Patch 1.1.5 PvP Commendation Infographic

Hey everyone, I was recently asked to make a guide for new 50s or those who havn’t pvp’ed a while about the current PvP currency system. As many of you may be aware – as of patch 1.1.5 they streamlined the route to obtain battlemaster and champion commendations – it is no longer dependent on RNG anymore since you can now directly purchase these commendations. Anyways, I thought I would get creative and make an inforgraphic rather than a wall of text 😛 Hope you find it useful! Imgur mirror: Oh yes, this is only valid until patch 1.2.

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