
How Raid Boosts Work from a Booster’s Perspective


Raid boosting in World of Warcraft is a challenging yet rewarding experience, especially from a booster’s perspective. Whether it’s overcoming tight DPS and HPS checks or ensuring a smooth run for customers, boosters play a critical role in making raid boosts successful. Here’s an inside look at how raid boosts work from the booster’s point of view. The Challenges of Early WeeksThe first few weeks of a new raid tier are the most demanding. Even with low gear, boosters must carry customers through challenging encounters with strict DPS and HPS requirements. Every boss mechanic must be executed flawlessly, as wipes are not an option. Boosters need to maximize their performance by mastering every detail of the fight, from cooldown management to positioning. Communication is key during this phase. Raid leaders assign specific mechanics to players, ensuring that every detail is handled perfectly. In boost runs, boosters do not take any…

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Advice To Those Thinking Of Raid Leading in SWTOR [Video]

I had my fair share of raid leading in World of Warcraft so by the time SWTOR came out, I was looking for an alternative MMORPG and of course, I loved the Star Wars theme but I wasn’t really looking to raid lead anymore. I know many of my friends were, even friends who had led raids in hardcore guilds in WoW but for me, I wanted a game where I could sit back and relax, soak in the new story and content, and not feel rushed for progression. There’s nothing wrong with raiding or leading, or progression. I was just at a point in my gaming life where I wanted something different. That said, there were and still are, people who love raid leading in SWTOR. If you’re thinking about becoming one of those people, mirta000 has some advice for you. It’s all compiled here in this video of about 11…

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Tactical markers coming as a legacy perk

This is not the ability to mark targets. Anyone can do that. This is a marker that you place on the ground which has one of the role symbols like from group finder. They are available now as consumable items in cartel packs, and this is making them free and unlimited for a small one-time price (credits or CCs). This convenience item is legacy wide, not character perks, too! Which is what I’d have figured they’d do, for a credit dump. I would have liked to have more then three markers though since positioning can be more complicated than three positions. It almost defeats the purpose to have this feature and only have three symbols. What if there were only three targeting symbols? We ought to have four or five. Hopefully this will come later.

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Intergalactic Intel: How to be a raid leader part 2

“You’re a what now?” Explaining things to your mother is never easy. Especially when it comes to video games. “A raid leader. I’m like the boss.” “What are you killing people’s homes and towns?” “No. What? Why would you ask that?” “You said raid leader. So you’re leading a raid.” I wanted to bury my face into my hands. Welcome back to another article of intergalactic intel. We’re continuing our in depth look at raiding with part two of raid leading. Last time we talked about tips on raid leading as well as qualifications of a good raid leader. Today we’re gonna talk about what responsibilities a raid leader has. As we all know operation encounters can be very confusing and chaotic. It’s the raid leader’s job to make heads and tails of what’s going on in the fight. . A raid leader is like a conductor in an orchestra….

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The great hunt: Annihilation Droid XRR-3 (Eternity Vault 8man HM)

Ready to start raiding in SWTOR? Well you’ll want to check out this guide to the entry boss in the first available “operation” (raid) in the game. It covers both the normal and hardmode versions for a 8man set-up. There are three levels of difficulty available, normal, hard and nightmare. You can also go as a 8man group or 16man. Right now the difficulty shifts the damage done, the health of the boss and the speed/danger of some of his abilities. Swtorextreme will be bringing you guides on all the bosses through the next few weeks so make sure you don’t miss them. We hope to also bring you nightmare mode guides as well, but even we need some time to get them down! 😛 It’s also worth mentioning that we are now Live Streaming our raids (as well as other things such as pre-mades in PVP) over on Twitch….

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TOR TV: How to be a Better Raider

The guild Section Eight have started a little youtube series, where they run through each flashpoint, and talk about raiding, flashpoints, and how to play your role in the game. These videos are great for beginners, and people who are new to raiding. Those who are experienced hardcore raiders probably won’t learn as much, but they still might enjoy the content. Anywho, take a look, and let us know what you think!

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E3: Interview with Daniel Erickson x 5

Both Gametrailers and Derek Green from swtor-life have interview up with Daniel Erickson. Off all the 3 interviews,  Swtor-life get the best answers, as Daniel Erickson gives us more inside on the size of raid (operation) sizes. So far it’s possible to do 8 man raids, but it’s not decided how many people will be able to do “big” raids together yet. Also we are starting to get the feeling that  Daniel Erickson only got one shirt? Check them out below starting with the Swtor-life interview: Gametrailer interview from yesterday: Here is one more interview – this time from GamerLiveTV.: Machinima Extended Coverage Interview with Daniel Erickson:

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