social outfit

SWTOR Planetary Social Armor/Outfits

Are you getting bored with your planetary social armor/outfits? Do you want to make more of an impression when you drop by the towns after running Flashpoints? Just want something fun that not everyone else will have? Then you’re in luck. Most of the Star Wars: The Old Republic planets offer players social outfits that you can mold to meet your specific taste. Here are some of the STWOR outfits you can acquire listed in the order of Social rankings you need to have for each of them: Dromund Kaas & Coruscant– you’ll find the highest class of society on the capital planets and with a Social ranking of just “1”, this is where you can pick up formal suits and elegant dress outfits. Imperial and Republic Fleets– pilots for the Imperial and Republic fleets have three different spacesuits to pick from but players must follow the Social Rank order…

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Social Gear by Social Rank and Location

One of the most popular parts of an MMO is the gear you can get for your character. It just goes with the genre and nearly every MMORPG has gear and gear sets that your character can earn, buy or loot in some manner in the game. SWTOR is no exception and there are several types of gear in the game and different ways to get it. One of these is social gear- which you get by earning social points and rank as you level up in the game. But getting social rank is not as easy as you might think- especially if you tend to play solo a lot. The more grouping you do, the more opportunities you will have to build your social ranking. Here is a great chart of the social gear by social rank and location. It also includes the pricing of the different pieces. This…

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Clear Favoritism of Republic in TOR

We’ve heard the accusations of favoritism in SWTOR. In fact, I remember the same thing from the early days of WoW (and actually it never ended in WoW). I’m hearing all this talk now of BioWare clearly favoring the Republic in TOR and before I just didn’t believe it. That is until… I came across this image and it’s so glaringly obvious now. BioWare, yes, you are definitely showing favoritism to Republic. What other explanation could there be for this? That’s right- what you are seeing is correct. The Republic get more cleavage, more leg skin and less pointy elbows. This is serious business, ya know. It’s apparent from these dancer’s outfits that the developers prefer Republic to Imperial and want to spice up the eye candy more for one side over the other, right? Of course I mean this only for a chuckle but do you think there really…

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Imperial & Civilian Pilot Sets added to S-1A0

Are you looking for more armor sets? Imperial & Civilian Pilot Sets were added to S-1A0 after the patch. Some players are still complaining about the customization of the armor sets in the game. Personally, I think the Imperial sets look pretty good compared to some of the other sets. What do you think? There is also some discussion on the official forums about where and how you get Imperial and Civilian Pilot Sets in the game. So now that you’ve seen the sets, what do you think about them? Thoughts?You can also check out the Sith Social Armor Set here and more Level 50 Gear Here.

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SWTOR Slave Leia outfit

Yeah.. .The outfit is in the game. You know… that outfit. As movie costumes go, it was both small and fleeting, occupying only two minutes of screen time in Return of the Jedi, but nearly a quarter-century later, Princess Leia’s slave-girl costume occupies a unique position in pop culture and shows no signs of slipping. Here is how it looks in SWTOR:

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