
Flashpoint Guide: Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky

Boarding Party

The Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky is one of the longest Flashpoints in Star Wars: The Old Republic where you’ll encounter 3 main bosses and 3 mini-bosses. Some of the bosses that you encounter are very easy and you’ll breeze through without any problem but some of others will be very difficult. All of the players on your team should be at least a level 33 but your healer will have a hard time keeping up. Therefore, you may want this player on your team to have a higher level. Once you’ve assembled your team, you’re ready to head out and tackle the first boss. First Boss: HXI-54 Juggernaut The very first boss is HXI-54 Juggernaut with 56K HP and he has three mechanics you need to be aware of when fighting him. One of the mechanics will drop circles in different places on the ground. As long as you stay…

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The big list of free SWTOR guides

Sine the launch of Star Wars: The old republic almost one year ago, we have steadily updated our website with new game guides. Now one year later, it has become increasingly hard to find the the guide you might be looking for. There for are we creating this list for a better overview. This will be a work in progress and we will do our best to keep the list updates. If there is something you feel you need a guide on, let us know in the comments below, and we will see if we can help out. Raiding/Flashpoints Guides: The False Emperor The Esseles The Streets of Cademimu The Colicoid War Game Directive 7 Taral V Mandalorian Raiders Athiss Boarding Party Dorin’s Sky Maelstrom Prison Hammer Station The Foundry The Black Talon The Lost Island Flashpoint Guide Battle of Ilum Kaon Under Siege Scum and Villainy SWTOR World Boss Guides…

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Leveling Guide 1 through 400 for Artifice

The patterns in this leveling guide for Artifice crafts are only available from an Artifice Trainer and they’re for the Force users. The Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor are the classes that can use Artifice gear and mods. The primary gathering skill used in Artifice is Archaeology using artifact fragments and power crystals. The secondary mission skill needed is Treasure Hunting with Gemstones. After you complete a step, train for the next level by visiting the Artifice Crew Skill Trainer. You can cut back on some of the materials needed for crafting Artifice if you use reverse engineering for everything you craft. However, this process produces random materials so it’s impossible to calculate a precise number for players to use. For this reasons, this leveling guide is based on the materials needed when reverse engineering for Artifice is not used. Here are the materials needed for…

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