She’s been playing SWTOR since beta and enjoys creating and sharing fan fiction and art related to SWTOR. We are highly impressed with her talent and creativity and we highly encourage you to head over and check it out. The website/blog updates every Monday.
She also visited The Community Cantina on March 23rd in Boulder, CO and took some great pics as well as talked about her questions to the BioWare staff and showed us the cool stuff from her thumb drive. She even won an awesome t-shirt (even if it was a little too big).
We wish we had stumbled upon her blog and her art sooner but now that we have, we will definitely be keeping an eye on it regularly. Hop on over and check it out for yourself, subscribe if you like it and be sure you come back and tell us what you think.
You can also find her work and many WIPs on Deviant Art
You can also find her here at Imperial Entaglements.