How Do I Combine PDF Files Without Acrobat?

How Do I Combine PDF Files Without Acrobat?

PDF splitters exist so users can create new, smaller files from the relevant pages of other, larger texts. They can also do the opposite and let users create large texts made up of different parts of other, disparate documents. They also let users save on the costs and waste of photocopying relevant pages from a larger text and distributing it that way. The process is often referred to as merging or splitting or combining PDFs and many tools let users perform these functions. One way is using Adobe’s proprietary software. But there are also several browser-based or other software programs that let users merge, split, and combine PDF files like pdfesacpe editor.

The Step-by-Step Process to Combine and Merge PDF

Depending on the tool, there are many different ways to split, merge, and combine PDFs. Each program has its interface, as well as its limitations. Some programs, like the Adobe suite, charge a premium for use of their software, and PDF split and merge features come with paid subscriptions or by purchasing the program. 

Other, web-based tools either offer free trial versions or single-use schemes to let users sample the PDF splitter and other features like the ability to compress a PDF file online. These tools are less complicated to use as they are designed for casual PDF users who may only work with or need a PDF file every so often. 

With these web-based tools, the user interfaces are quite straightforward and are very intuitive. These usually consist of users needing to: 

  1. Upload their file from their local hard drive or a cloud-based option 
  1. Open the document in the browser 
  1. Look for the icon or button that controls the split/merge or combine function 
  1. Then click on the appropriate button 

The process varies on what the user is trying to do, whether splitting, merging, or combining, but the above is only a general summary. 

The Step-by-Step Process to Split PDFs

Splitting PDFs is not a difficult process. It requires a basic PDF editor or one of the many browser-based or downloadable tools, like Lumin PDF. They follow the same basic steps of the above list where users must open the desired file in the program. With Lumin, users can upload more than one file but capacity depends on the program a user is using. 

Once they have their file or files uploaded, users must open the document in the browser and then select the pages they want to remove by deleting them. After removing the unwanted pages, users can simply press the save button to save it to download later. The steps on how to merge a PDF in Lumin are even easier. 

To merge a PDF file, users must copy the above steps (uploading and opening) and then select the unwanted pages and then press the “Merge” button in the control panel. The software will complete the process and afterward, you will be able to download the new merged document. 

How to Choose the Best PDF Tool 

Choosing the best PDF tool depends on a user’s preferences, purpose, and knowledge level. Many online PDF splitters are tailor-made to be easy to use because they are intended for a more general audience than those who have worked with PDF files for a long time. They are ideal for casual users like students or for those who need a single-use PDF file for a job contract or legal document. 

Office workers, paralegals, and other document-heavy professions may require more professional, and paid, programs like the Adobe suite since they deal with large document types every day. Adobe and other professional PDF programs are made for the intensive user who needs a whole suite of customization options to suit their needs.