The Psychology Behind Ads- Why are They so Effective?

The Psychology Behind Ads- Why are They so Effective?

Have you ever been so curious about something that you clicked that “click here to find out more” button? Or that ad that says, “Interested? You could try here!”. It is quite annoying, we do understand that, which is why we decided to create this which will inform you of how and why exactly ads work the way they do. Let’s get right into it, then.

Appeal to Curiosity

Humans are naturally curious beings, and advertisers use this basic curiosity to get our attention. By leaving an unanswered question or hinting at something fascinating, advertisements generate a psychological itch that can only be satisfied by clicking or researching deeper. This why sometimes, when you see something that really interests you, you can’t get your mind off of it unless you look it up and have more information at hand.

The Fear of Missing Out

This is a strong psychological phenomenon that is commonly used to compel action. How these works is basically the ad making you feel a sense of urgency by using tactics like “limited time only” or “a three day sale” to make you feel a sense of urgency. This is exactly what motivates us to act now and purchase it to prevent regret at a later time.

Influencers and Social Proof

Humans are primarily social organisms who look to others for guidance on how to act. Advertisers take advantage of this trend by including components of social proof in their advertisements. This is seen in how people are encouraged to drop reviews of the product they bought, this will act as a sort of signal that the product or service is trustworthy and worthy of consideration. Advertisements can include influencers or celebrities whose endorsements might alter customer purchase decisions because of the platform they have and the need to follow what their idols are doing.

Emotional Appeal

Ads, usually, inspire a wide variety of emotions in order to provide the watcher with a memorable experience. Ads that can evoke an emotional response establish a stronger connection with the viewer which leads to an increase of the the probability of conversion. 

Relatability and Projection

Ads oftentimes use sympathetic individuals or circumstances to humanize the product or service being marketed. Whether it’s a lovely family scenario or a funny exchange between friends, these images elicit emotions and make the product seem more tangible and relevant to the viewer’s life. Advertisers urge viewers to picture themselves or people they know in advertisements by projecting scenarios or characters that are relevant to the audience’s experiences and objectives. This projection creates a sense of connection with the brand, encouraging viewers to interact with it on a more intimate level.


In the end, an ad’s effect is mostly determined by its ability to tap into core parts of human psychology. Advertisers construct engaging storylines that captivate our attention and motivate us to act- this is why understanding the psychology underlying advertisements can help us become more thoughtful customers and appreciate the art and science of advertising.