Star Wars: Outlaws – Soft Launch Sales and Ubisoft's Path Forward

Star Wars: Outlaws – Soft Launch Sales and Ubisoft’s Path Forward

Ubisoft has recently faced a challenging period following lower-than-expected sales of its open-world title Star Wars Outlaws, and the delay of its highly anticipated release, Assassin’s Creed Shadows. These developments have prompted the company to revise its financial projections and adjust its strategy moving forward. But what does this mean for Ubisoft’s future, and what led to this decision?

Let’s break it down.

Star Wars Outlaws: The Force Wasn’t Strong Enough (Yet)

Released in August 2024, Star Wars Outlaws is Ubisoft’s attempt to tap into the ever-expanding Star Wars universe, and, while it is far from a flop, its initial sales fell short of Ubisoft’s ambitious targets. Industry insiders had expected Outlaws to soar through the charts, but it seems the vast open world and interstellar heists weren’t enough to captivate the market at launch.

The initial reception has been mixed, with many fans praising its immersive world and engaging storyline, while others felt the title was too reminiscent of typical Ubisoft open-world mechanics. The game may have suffered from the been-there-done-that syndrome, with players starting to tire of the sprawling, yet somewhat formulaic, Ubisoft game design.

But all is not lost. Ubisoft’s development teams have committed to releasing a series of updates and patches to improve the overall experience. The aim is to capture a larger audience during the crucial holiday season, making Outlaws a strong long-term performer. Plus, there’s good news for Steam fans: Ubisoft has confirmed that Star Wars Outlaws will hit the Steam platform in November. The move is expected to broaden the game’s reach and help boost those soft sales.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows: The Delay of Darkness

If Star Wars Outlaws was the lightsaber that failed to fully ignite, Assassin’s Creed Shadows is the blade that’s been momentarily sheathed. Originally planned for release at the end of 2024, the latest entry in the Assassin’s Creed franchise has been delayed to early 2025. According to Ubisoft, the game is technically “feature complete,” but the decision to push back the release is driven by the lessons learned from Star Wars Outlaws.

Ubisoft has openly stated that they want to take the extra time to polish the title and avoid repeating the same mistakes. Fans have been vocal about wanting more innovation and less predictability in Assassin’s Creed games, and the developer is keen to deliver on those expectations. Whether this delay means significant gameplay changes or just more fine-tuning remains to be seen.

However, one thing is clear: Assassin’s Creed Shadows is aiming to live up to the high standards the franchise is known for. With a proven formula that has worked over the years, Ubisoft’s decision to hold back the game is seen as a way to ensure quality and avoid further financial setbacks. The last thing they need is two underperforming flagship games in a row.

Ubisoft’s Financial Response: Adjusting Targets

Given the underwhelming performance of Star Wars Outlaws and the delay of Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Ubisoft has revised its financial targets for the fiscal year. Originally, the company had set lofty goals, banking on the success of these two blockbuster titles to drive revenue. The revised targets indicate that Ubisoft is tempering its expectations.

Despite the hiccups, Ubisoft still holds a strong position within the gaming industry. The company has a vast portfolio of successful franchises like Far Cry, The Division, and Rainbow Six, as well as mobile and free-to-play ventures that continue to generate steady revenue. However, the recent developments indicate that the publisher is keen to avoid overestimating its immediate returns from its biggest titles, instead focusing on long-term strategies.

This course correction could signal a broader shift in Ubisoft’s approach to game development and marketing. There may be more focus on maintaining player engagement over time through post-launch content, updates, and improvements rather than banking on massive day-one sales.

What Went Wrong?

So, why did Star Wars Outlaws stumble at launch, and why is Ubisoft hitting pause on Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

It’s worth noting that Star Wars Outlaws wasn’t released in a vacuum. The gaming market is notoriously competitive, and the second half of 2024 has seen a flood of major titles, from Baldur’s Gate 3 to Starfield, all vying for the attention of gamers. In such a packed schedule, even a beloved franchise like Star Wars can struggle to stand out.

Moreover, while Outlaws delivered a solid experience, it perhaps lacked the “wow factor” needed to distinguish itself from other open-world games. Ubisoft’s established gameplay formulas, which once felt revolutionary, may have lost some of their sheen after years of similar titles. It’s possible that players are simply looking for something new, and Outlaws didn’t quite deliver that.

For Assassin’s Creed Shadows, the delay seems like a direct result of Ubisoft recognizing that they need to innovate. While the Assassin’s Creed franchise continues to enjoy success, there’s a growing sentiment among fans that the series needs to evolve in meaningful ways to maintain its relevancy. The delay suggests Ubisoft is taking those criticisms seriously and intends to make sure Shadows is worth the wait.

What’s Next for Ubisoft?

Ubisoft is no stranger to highs and lows, and this recent dip doesn’t spell doom for the French gaming giant. If anything, the company’s response—committing to quality-of-life improvements for Star Wars Outlaws and delaying Assassin’s Creed Shadows—shows a willingness to learn and adapt. The coming months will be critical, especially as the company prepares for the holiday season and the eventual launch of Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

For now, Ubisoft is playing the long game. By focusing on polishing their titles and releasing them on more platforms, they are positioning themselves for future success, even if their current fiscal targets have taken a hit. Will Star Wars Outlaws achieve its full potential? Will Assassin’s Creed Shadows deliver a groundbreaking experience in 2025? Only time will tell.

One thing’s for sure—Ubisoft is in this for the long haul, and fans should expect both updates and exciting developments in the near future.