
New SWTOR Story dev blog: Brothers

BioWare published a new story blog on the swtor website details Thexan and Arcann. These a the two guys from the Fallen Empire trailer. Check it out below: Brothers Today, I watched my face burn. The skin cracked and curled as fire seared away the moisture. Charred flesh retreated from the heat and shriveled into a huddled black mass. One blue eye, identical to my own, held me in place–made me watch. In an instant, it was the face of a stranger. And we were no longer twins. The memory tugged at my hand, pulled it to my cheek. I was startled by the smoothness that met the pads of my fingertips. My brother’s phantom grip still clutched my arm. I felt the bones beneath his skin reach out, try to escape the pain, and fail. Arcann had writhed for hours before sleep granted him mercy. My own bed remained empty….

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This is a Part 1 of a 3 episodes miniseries by Vulkk, explaining everything there is to know about The Great Galactic War, one of the most significant events in the Star Wars Expanded Universe. The war is seriously embedded also into Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR). For the narrations Jason or as everyone knows him Teo from OotiniCast has made yet another appearance on a Lore video by Vulkk to do the narrations. Here’s the intro in a written form. The rest you can hear and see in the video, attached in the bottom. The Great Galactic War, known as the Great War during the conflict and in the years afterward, was a war between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic between 3681 BBY and 3653 BBY, lasting for a total of 28 years. Also known as the Republic–Sith War, the conflict was ultimately the culmination of a…

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Star Wars Celebration Anaheim: Regarding the Canon.

Here are some points that were discussed on the new canon in the Star Wars universe. These points were discussed at the Star Wars Celebration that happened in Anaheim, California. To read the entire post make sure to click through to the original source. One cohesive saga across all media is being told going forward with the new setting. A goal of the Lucasfilm Story Group is to make sure that no real conflicts in storytelling take place in regards to continuity errors. The concept of the LSG was Kathleen Kennedy’s idea, and it helps with the flood of the rapidly-increasing amount of canonical content being made. The old EU (Legends) was completely liquidated to avoid playing favorites; it was described as being a tough call, though completely necessary. Legends are used as source material for filling in some details (such as the physical size and mass of the Death…

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Star Wars Lore – THE RAKATA (Part 2)

Greetings Star Wars lore junkies. I’m Vulkk and working on this video took me insane amount of time and effort. I am glad it is finished finally. If you enjoy it, that will be my biggest reward. Part 2 of the RAKATA History and Lore will tell us about their First encounter with the Je’daii, explain the reasons for the Empire’s Collapse and what happened to the Remnants of the once mighty Infinite Empire. The Rakata (also known as the Builders) were a technologically advanced race that developed early in galactic history, even developing some early hyperdrive technology. Long term use of the dark side of the Force corrupted their society and turned them into a race of merciless warriors. The Rakata used their potent Force-powered technologies to conquer and enslave every other species they came across throughout their known galaxy. During the reign of theirInfinite Empire, they were characterized by…

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History of the Old Republic

Here is some really interesting original content from TJWright and we want to share with you. They are some super amazing images based on the History of the Old Republic and created for the new upcoming book. Here he explains the project: Starting out 2015 with a bang by getting a gig doing Star Wars stuff for an upcoming book that will attempt to make sense of the Star Wars: Legends stuff that is no longer considered ‘canon’ by LucasFilm. Now if you want to see more of the images for yourself, just check out the link and website. As for the upcoming book the images will be used in, not a lot is known just yet. It will be based around the Legends story and will not be new canon, at least not completely. There could be a some new content or ideas tossed in but mostly it should…

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Here is a video by Vulkk. This video has two simple goals – to show the great new screens and design-art of the new worlds as well as tell us a little more of their History & Lore, to prepare us for the exploration and adventures awaiting us in Shadow of Revan 3.0. In the end of the video Vulkk have the notes from the Q&A section during the NY Cantina Event. The Devs gave more information and hints on what is to come with the next Expansion to SWTOR. Learn more about the History & Lore of AVIN 4 & RISHI, the 2 new Worlds in SWTOR 3.0 Shadow of Revan . Check the NY Cantina Q&A for more new info on the expansion in the end of the video: ► VIDEO DESCRIPTION This video will tell us a little of the History and Lore of the 2 new planets…

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SWTOR Lore Speculation

The Sith Emperor: 3.0 & What Came Before – When it comes to lore speculation, we love to hear what other fans have to say. Forum user Darth_Wicked has actually brought us some interesting insights into SWTOR lore and now he has some things to say about the Sith Emperor. In this post on the official forums, he talks about the current state of affairs concerning the “galaxy’s greatest villain”; What came before and what may be coming next. He starts off with a nod to a Facebook post by Doug Bradley back in June of this year and then goes on to talk about the Emperor. “Said to be immortal by many of his servants, the Emperor came to power shortly after Naga Sadow fled to exile in Yavin 4 with his Massassi Warriors, on the aftermath of the Old Empire’s defeat in the Great Hyperspace War. Leading the survivors to Dromund Kaas, shortly…

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Revan 3.0 & the Infinite Empire

After the release of the teaser for 3.0 last week, there have been a lot of questions and speculations about the game, Revan and where the story is going. For those who really get into the lore, this can be one of the best parts of the game and new expansions – new storyline and where will it take us? One fan, Darth Wicked, asks these questions “Where is Revan? Is that a temple of some sorts? And if it is, who built it? And where? Come to think of it, is that even Revan to begin with? And what about that… thing behind him? Is it a Sith artifact or something else? Something more?” and then he actually goes on to answer in detail with some ideas of his own. Darth Wicked also has the screenshots of the entire thread on imgur for anyone looking to see them in…

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Surface Details: The events of a boring and forgettable day.

BioWare posted a new of there famous diary entries. This entry was written by Charles Boyd himself, lead writer for the Trooper story. This entry is really well done. I almost wish bioware would release a shot story series of these “diary entries”. Give a great sense of backstory. Even though, those of us, who follow what have been datamined out of the Public test servers, knows where this story leads, I still love how they continue to give good quality writing to their new storyarchs. Brings me back to the days of “Blood of the Empire” and the “Holo Journals of Gnost Dural”. Check out out over at the official website, or read our copy paste below: 08.14.2014 Surface Details “Next.” Varko gave the hydro-dispenser on his desk a quick tap, then rubbed the fluids into the skin of his hands. He’d heard it could take a few weeks…

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The Annals of Star Wars: Pre-Republic Era

13,000,000,000 BBY: The Big Bang, the galaxy is formed. According to most sources, the galaxy was 120,000 light years across, and had a supermassive black hole at its core. The galaxy was orbited by 7 satellite galaxies (Aurek, Besh, Cresh, Dorn, Esk, Forn, and Grek), most being described as having ancient, metal-rich remnants of stars but little life. A hyperspace disturbance on the perimeter of the galaxy prevented hyperspace travel into extra-galatic space. 5,000,000,000 – 2,000,000 BBY: Life emerges In this period of time, over 180 billion stars had formed planets that could support life. 10% eventually developed life, while intelligent life formed on 1/1,000 of these worlds. It was estimated that only 1 billion systems were eventually populated. These populations consisted of a wide array of creatures such as the Gorothites, Chevin, pre-arboreal Wookiees and many many others. 2,000,000 BBY: The Oracle is built on the world of Pelgrin…

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TOR TV: Lore of SWTOR: The Sacking of Coruscant

Star Wars: The Old Republic is a vast story-driven MMO, but did you ever wonder how much lore there actually was in the game? Did you ever wonder, but was too busy to read about it?  TeamTargran are here to help you. They are going to explain basics of lore to you in form of short videos, which you can watch and listen to rather than spend hours reading through the internet. In this first episode they are talking about The Sacking of Coruscant, which is marked as the starting point for this MMO

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TOR TV: SWTOR Explained: Sith Triumvirate (Pre-Kotor 2)

ZeroTolerence55 returns to make another SWTOR Explained video, this time focusing on the Sith Triumvirate and the state of the galaxy leading up to Knights of the Old Republic 2. We have posted quite a few video from ZeroTolerence55  before, so if you haven’t seem the already you should deffetnly do so. Yout might even learn some lore 🙂 SWTOR Explained: Sith Emperor Backstory SWTOR Explained – Revan’s Backstory (Pre-Kotor) and his involvement in the Mandalorian Wars SWTOR Explained: Revan Part 2 (Jedi Civil War) SWTOR Explained: Knights of the Old Republic Story (Revan Part 3)

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Five Planets The Old Republic Needs

Have you ever thought about what SWTOR needs to add in future content? It’s a legitimate question since the game could go on for years and years. BioWare has already announced they are working on content we the players won’t see for years down the road. It’s no surprise then that we will see the addition of more new planets. They would have to implement new planets in order to keep the content fresh and continue adding more content to the game. So what new planets should we see in the TOR universe in the future? IGN actually has some great ideas on this very question. This is why they offer up a piece on Five Planets the Old Republic Needs and include their planetary picks of Felucia, Geonosis, Kashyyyk, Csilla, and Bothawui. Read more to find out about each of these five planets and why they make a great…

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Do you need to read the books to understand the game?

Star Wars and BioWare are both characterized by an enormous amount of Lore and stories. So far two novels and a bunch of web comics has been released describing the characters and surroundings in the massive universe of Star Wars: The old republic. The first book that was released was Fatal Alliance by Sean Williams. The second – released a few weeks ago – is Deceived by Paul S. Kemp. At least one more novel is in the works by Drew Karpyshyn – but that is still nameless. Other then the above novels and webcommics, Darkhorse has released countless of  printed comics and Del Rey lot’s of books describing famous lore characters Such as Exar Kun, Ulic Qel-Droma, Freedon Nadd and so on. Taken this into account, it’s obvious that some people get nervous that they won’t get a clue when they start up the game if they aren’t prepared. A forum poster by the name…

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The jedi depicted in the Hope trailer finally confirmed as Satele Shan.

Many people have speculated about who the girl fighting Darh Malgus in last years hope trailer is. Yesterday Alexander Freed from BioWare confirmed that the girl was no other then Satele Shan: There’s been a lot of (understandable) confusion about Satele Shan, so I figured I’d clarify a few points: First, yes–Satele Shan is the Jedi depicted in the Hope trailer. When Satele originally appeared in the Threat of Peace comics, her appearance wasn’t yet final in-game. Ultimately, we’ve gone in a different visual direction for the character, and you’ll be seeing more consistent portrayals in the future. (One of the perils of releasing information–even seemingly innocuous information–so early!) Second, regarding Satele’s age and experience–at the Battle of Alderaan, Satele is a fully trained Jedi Knight. By the time Threat of Peace rolls around, she’s had significant real-world experience and trained under several Jedi Masters, Dar’Nala included; she’s a candidate…

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The Great Hyperspace War

Over the millennia, the Galactic Republic has faced no greater threat to its existence than the brutal invasion instigated by Sith Lord Naga Sadow. It was a time in history when the original Sith Empire had reached the height of its power, and the Republic was poorly prepared for a conflict of such magnitude. Master Gnost-Dural looks back at the Great Hyperspace War and identifies the controversial decision that drove the Sith into exile and set the stage for the Empire’s campaign of vengeance against the Republic. BTC 1347 – When two hyperspace explorers stumbled onto the remote world of Korriban, they never could have guessed the chain of events they were setting into motion. Over the previous centuries, the Sith Empire had grown in size and strength, and Korriban was the very heart of its dominion. The reigning Sith Lord, Marka Ragnos, had just died, sparking a brutal power…

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Faction lore: Czerka Corporation

Czerka Corporation, founded as Czerka Mining and Industrial, was a galaxy-spanning business. It controlled interests on Korriban, Kashyyyk, Taris, Tatooine, Telos IV, and countless other planets. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II—The Sith Lords, although not the primary villain, Czerka is presented as an amoral entity; not only they are allied with the Sith but frequently use underground means for their ends, such as stealing from rivals, having financial motivation for everything, using violence and slavery, hiring mercenaries, smuggling of weapons, etc. They will often ask the player some jobs which are generally “dirty.” In general, Czerka are the secondary villains, and the player follows the Czerka quests if he chooses the dark side options. However, that doesn’t mean that Czerka is a representative of the Dark Side or her employees are inherently evil: the Tatooine quests are the…

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Friday Update: Three New Biographies Added to HoloNet

  Today’s Friday update for Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare has added new information on three notable characters to the Biographies section of the HoloNet. Here are the details: In these new holorecords, you’ll learn about Supreme Chancellor Janarus, stalwart protector of Republic ideals and source of hope for its people. Opposite Janarus, hidden in the shadows, you’ll discover the enigmatic puppeteer of Imperial Intelligence, Darth Jadus. Elsewhere in the galaxy, the cold-blooded bounty hunter Jewl’a Nightbringer ruthlessly hunts down slavers, gangs, and crime lords who manage to catch her attention. Some might remember Jewl’a Nightbringer from the one of the first gameplay walkthrough videos BioWare released. She was one of the bounty hunters that the NPC Mako identified as a winner of the Great Hunt – A bounty hunter thing. Another interesting thing about this update is the Aurebesh Translation’s. You can read more about them over at…

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Rebirth of the Sith Empire

Bioware got a new Timeline holorecord for us this firday. This time it’s the story of a Grand Moff who played a critical role in Imperial history: In the years following the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith exiles on Dromund Kaas faced a daunting future on a harsh world. The guidance of the Emperor and the Sith Lords were critical, but Republic Intelligence has stolen historical records that indicate the resilience and determination of the early Imperial Military were no less crucial to the Empire’s reconstruction. Master Gnost-Dural has identified one Imperial Military Leader in particular whose story exemplifies the strength that runs throughout every level of Imperial Society. BTC 1251 – Following the destruction of their ancient civilization on Korriban, the Sith exiles sought to rebuild their Empire amid the jungles of Dromund Kaas. The man who eventually earned the distinction of the being the Empire’s first new Grand…

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How Stuff Works: Lightsabers

The lightsaber (less formally, the laser sword) was more than just the distinctive weapon of the Jedi, it was a segment of the order’s history and its ultimate symbol for millennia. There could be no Jedi without a lightsaber and no lightsaber without a Jedi in the eyes of galactic denizens. Over the years, it came to be associated with gallantry and elegance otherwise lost in an age of blasters. Jedi traditionally constructed their own lightsaber as part of their training. To carry a lightsaber was an example of incredible skill and confidence, dexterity and attuning to the Force. Since its plasma blade was essentially weightless, the weapon produced a gyroscopic effect, and so it was very difficult to handle safely. Yet this made the weapon ideal for force-sensitive users who’s ability to predict the various energy pulsations through the force allowed him or her to compensate for them. They…

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How Stuff Works: Mass Shadow Generator

The Mass Shadow Generator  was a superweapon used in the Battle of Malachor V. It was created by the Zabrak tech specialist Bao-Dur, under orders from the Jedi Knight Revan, in the year 3,960 BBY. The weapon was the centerpiece of a trap with which Revan hoped to bring about a conclusive end to the Mandalorian Wars. Overseeing the device’s use was a Jedi General (later known as the Jedi Exile). Revan lured the Mandalorians to Malachor and a massive fleet battle ensued in orbit. During the fighting, his loyal general commanded Bao-Dur to activate the secret weapon with a single, silent nod. Moments later, a significant portion of both fleets were suddenly drawn from orbit into a vast gravity vortex that was powerful enough to crush the countless ships into the planet’s crust and fracture Malachor V to its very core. In 3,951 BBY, the The Mass Shadow Generator was activated…

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Friday update: New biographies added

Meet more of the compelling characters you’ll interact with in Star Wars: The Old Republic. New additions have been added to the Biographies section of the HoloNet! This update includes profiles of some of the most enigmatic characters in The Old Republic Era: Bouris Ulgo is the self-proclaimed king of Alderaan. From his bio, it seems he made a lot of political enemies, and will probably be at the center of much turmoil. He has a vast military background and declared martial law on the planet. He is also mad, which is always a plus in my book. Diab Duin is the Republic envoy to Aeten II, a small mining outpost which became very important for the war effort. The man is said to be of few words and with an independent personality. There are few hints as to how he will be involved in the actual story lines, but it’s…

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BioWare’s Daniel Erickson Talks on Star Wars History

Creating a MMOG for a franchise such as Star Wars is likely to be quite the balancing act. For the writers of Star Wars: The Old Republic, they must draw their knowledge and inspiration from so many sources and you can be certain that if a mistake is made, one of the many SW fans will find it! So where does a SWTOR writer get their inspiration? Techland.com interviewed BioWare’s Daniel Erickson, the Writing Director of SWTOR to learn more about his Star Wars background and what it’s like to write for a game with such a rich storyline. Writing for Star Wars is always a delicate piece of surgery. We must carefully carve out the archetypes, rhythms and overlaying themes of the movies and then place them in a completely new body of work. Players want to feel what it’s like to live as Han Solo did but they…

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