Star Wars Expanded Universe vs. Disney Cano

Star Wars Expanded Universe vs. Disney Canon: What You Need to Know

Welcome, dear Star Wars fan, casual or die-hard, to the ultimate showdown: Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU), now known as Legends, versus the new and shiny Disney Canon. This is where we delve into the clash of titans—two parallel yet distinctly different versions of the galaxy far, far away.

But before you whip out your lightsaber and pick a side, let’s take a fun, neutral look at the key differences, and maybe sprinkle in some laughter along the way (because, let’s face it, we all need some comic relief when it comes to galactic politics).

Whether you’re someone who remembers the first time Luke went toe-to-toe with a Sarlacc in the Expanded Universe, or you’ve just joined the fandom thanks to The Mandalorian, this guide will help you navigate the often confusing waters between Legends and the Disney Canon. And yes, there will be no Jar Jar jokes here… OK, maybe just one.

Table of Contents

  1. The Expanded Universe (Legends): What Was It, and Why Was It Rebranded?
  2. Key Characters, Stories, and Events That Were Dropped or Changed
  3. Comparing the Biggest Differences in Storylines
    • Thrawn in Legends vs. Thrawn in Canon
    • Luke Skywalker’s Legacy: Legends vs. Canon
    • Han and Leia’s Kids: Legends vs. Canon
  4. What Legends Fans Might Enjoy from Disney Canon
  5. Conclusion: Bridging Two Universes, One Fandom
The Expanded Universe (Legends): What Was It, and Why Was It Rebranded?

1. The Expanded Universe (Legends): What Was It, and Why Was It Rebranded?

So, let’s start at the beginning, which is—no surprise—a bit confusing. Before the Disney Canon took over, Star Wars fans didn’t just rely on the films to get their galactic fix. No, no, no. From comics, novels, video games, and even animated series, the Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU) was a sprawling buffet of storytelling. It fleshed out everything from Luke Skywalker’s post-Return of the Jedi adventures to obscure tales of bounty hunters on a weekend retreat.

What Was the Expanded Universe?

The Expanded Universe, pre-2014, included an enormous variety of stories and characters set in the Star Wars galaxy. Some of these were standalone novels, like Timothy Zahn’s Thrawn Trilogy, while others were connected to comics and video games like The Old Republic.

Here’s the kicker: everything in the EU was treated as official canon. So if Han Solo went on a wild adventure in a random comic book that only a handful of people read, it still counted in the grand scheme of the Star Wars storyline. This gave fans an endless treasure trove of stories to explore but also led to a bit of chaos when it came to continuity.

Why the Rebrand?

Enter Disney in 2012, buying Lucasfilm and inheriting a giant galactic-sized problem: the EU was massive, and creating a new trilogy meant they either had to work around the mess or start fresh. Being Disney, they went with the easier (and arguably smarter) route: they hit the reset button.

In 2014, everything in the EU was labeled Star Wars Legends—aka, fun stories but no longer “official” canon. This move allowed Disney to craft the Disney Canon: a unified timeline across films, books, and TV shows that made sense without needing a PhD in Wookiee linguistics to understand.

Some fans weren’t too thrilled, but others embraced the new direction. After all, who doesn’t love a fresh start, right? Just think of it as hitting “New Game” after realizing you saved over your best character build. Oops.

2. Key Characters, Stories, and Events That Were Dropped or Changed

Now that we’ve established why Disney took out their metaphorical eraser to clean up the timeline, let’s look at some beloved (and not-so-beloved) characters, stories, and events that were either dropped or drastically changed in the new Canon.

Mara Jade: The Wife of Luke Skywalker

One of the most painful losses for EU fans was the erasure of Mara Jade, a former Emperor’s Hand who went on to marry Luke Skywalker. She was tough, snarky, and absolutely a fan-favorite character in the EU. But in Disney Canon? Mara Jade is nowhere to be found. It’s like she got Force-pushed into oblivion.

For long-time fans, this was like finding out Yoda didn’t actually enjoy swamp life. Heartbreaking. Luke, in Disney Canon, remains a bachelor, which is great if you’re rooting for that reclusive monk vibe, but bad if you’re still holding out for some Jedi romance.

Jacen and Jaina Solo: Han and Leia’s Force-Wielding Twins

In Legends, Han Solo and Leia Organa had twin children, Jacen and Jaina Solo. These kids were the ultimate Force-powered sibling duo, with Jaina becoming a legendary Jedi Knight and Jacen turning to the Dark Side to become Darth Caedus. Epic, right? Cue dramatic sibling face-off.

In Disney Canon, Han and Leia have only one child, Ben Solo, who becomes Kylo Ren. And as much as Kylo throws temper tantrums that would make any Sith proud, he’s not exactly filling the shoes of two legendary Jedi. Sorry, Ben, but you can’t split yourself in two… though I’m sure some fans might have appreciated that twist.

The Yuuzhan Vong War

For those who ventured deep into the EU, the Yuuzhan Vong War was a significant storyline. The Yuuzhan Vong were a race of alien invaders from another galaxy who were immune to the Force, making them a terrifying threat. This conflict spanned multiple novels and shook up the entire galaxy. If you’ve never heard of them before, well, you’re not alone.

In Disney Canon, the Yuuzhan Vong don’t exist. They were cut like Anakin’s hand in Attack of the Clones. Whether you’re relieved or devastated by that change depends on how much you enjoyed alien invasions that made everyone’s life ten times more complicated.

Star Wars: Comparing the Biggest Differences in Storylines

3. Comparing the Biggest Differences in Storylines

Now, let’s compare some of the biggest storyline differences between Legends and Disney Canon. For those keeping score at home, this is where things get really interesting.

Thrawn in Legends vs. Thrawn in Canon

Let’s start with a fan-favorite character: Grand Admiral Thrawn. In both Legends and Disney Canon, Thrawn is the kind of brilliant strategist that makes you wonder if he’s secretly playing 4D chess while the rest of the galaxy is stuck on checkers. But there are some key differences.

Thrawn in Legends:

In Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire trilogy, Thrawn is the last great leader of the Empire, stepping up to take on the New Republic after Emperor Palpatine’s death. He’s cold, calculating, and capable of outwitting anyone. Also, he’s blue. Very blue.

Thrawn in Canon:

Disney knew a good thing when they saw it, so Thrawn was reintroduced into Canon via the animated series Star Wars Rebels. He’s still a tactical genius and a significant threat, but instead of taking on the New Republic, he works for the Empire before the events of A New Hope. It’s a slightly different setting, but the core of Thrawn remains the same—thank the stars.

Luke Skywalker’s Legacy: Legends vs. Canon

Ah, Luke Skywalker. Whether you see him as the optimistic farm boy or the jaded Jedi Master, his legacy is quite different in Legends and Disney Canon.

Luke in Legends:

In the Expanded Universe, Luke becomes a wise Jedi Master, rebuilds the Jedi Order, and trains a whole new generation of Jedi. He’s a beacon of hope, resilience, and all the Jedi things you’d expect from a post-Return of the Jedi storyline. Also, he marries Mara Jade (as mentioned earlier), because even Jedi need a little romance, right?

Luke in Canon:

Disney’s Luke, on the other hand, is a bit…well…different. In The Last Jedi, we see a Luke who has gone into self-imposed exile after his Jedi Academy failed due to Kylo Ren’s fall to the Dark Side. He’s disillusioned, grumpy, and—depending on your opinion—a bit of a downer compared to his Legends counterpart. That said, he does get a redeeming moment when he sacrifices himself to save the Resistance, and his Force projection scene? Epic. Still, Canon Luke’s story is far more tragic than Legends Luke’s larger-than-life heroism.

Han and Leia’s Kids: Legends vs. Canon

We’ve already mentioned the Solo kids briefly, but let’s compare their storylines more closely.


In Legends, Han and Leia have three children: Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin Solo. The twins, Jacen and Jaina, have some of the most compelling story arcs in the EU, with Jacen turning to the Dark Side and Jaina eventually becoming the hero who has to stop him. The family dynamic is complex, emotional, and gives us some of the best sibling rivalry in Star Wars history.


In Canon, Han and Leia have one son: Ben Solo, who, as we know, becomes Kylo Ren. While Ben’s turn to the Dark Side shares some similarities with Jacen’s fall in Legends, the dynamics are streamlined, and we lose the sibling element entirely. Ben is more of a lone wolf, struggling with his legacy as the grandson of Darth Vader, and while his redemption arc is satisfying to some, it lacks the sprawling family saga that Legends gave us.

Star Wars: What Legends Fans Might Enjoy from Disney Canon

4. What Legends Fans Might Enjoy from Disney Canon

If you’re a long-time Legends fan, you might feel like Disney Canon isn’t for you. But hold on to your X-Wings! There are actually some things in Disney Canon that might tickle your fancy.

The Mandalorian:

This show is a love letter to the original Star Wars trilogy, with plenty of nods to both Legends and Canon. The tone, the characters, and the world-building are top-notch, and if you haven’t given it a shot yet, you’re missing out. Plus, it reintroduces Boba Fett in a way that makes you forgive him for falling into that Sarlacc pit.

Thrawn Novels by Timothy Zahn:

Good news! Even though Thrawn’s story is different in Canon, Timothy Zahn (the original Thrawn creator) has written new Thrawn novels for Disney Canon. If you loved him in Legends, chances are you’ll love these books too, as they dive deep into his strategic genius and give you more of that sweet, sweet Thrawn action.

Expanded Canon Books and Comics:

Disney’s new Canon includes a ton of books and comics, many of which explore characters and events that Legends fans might appreciate. For instance, Star Wars: Bloodline dives into Leia’s political life and her struggle with the revelation of her connection to Darth Vader, while The Rise of Kylo Ren comic gives you insight into Ben Solo’s fall. These are stories that help fill in the gaps and expand the new Canon in meaningful ways.

Bridging Two Universes, One Fandom

5. Conclusion: Bridging Two Universes, One Fandom

So there you have it! The Star Wars Expanded Universe (Legends) and Disney Canon are two sides of the same galactic coin. Whether you prefer the sprawling, often chaotic EU with its endless stories and characters, or the streamlined, more cohesive Disney Canon, there’s something for everyone in this galaxy far, far away.

At the end of the day, Star Wars is Star Wars. Whether you’re Team Legends or Team Canon, we all share a love for epic space battles, deep lore, and, of course, Baby Yoda. (Sorry, Grogu—but you’ll always be Baby Yoda to us.)

May the Force (or the power of intense fan debates) be with you!